Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri Hi, Thank you so much for the above code. Its giving better results compared to other libraries. I have few questions. In some tables, I have common column name for three columns and further I have sub columns like below.... in these cases the tables are not getting extracted properly...Do you have any suggestions for handling such cases? Also … Re: NumPy and Python list Programming by karansingh NumPy, a Python package, has made its place in the world … object along with a set of advanced functions. Yes, a NumPy array is better than a Python list. This is in…. 4.It is easier to read and write items with NumPy. NumPy vstack question Programming Software Development by fatalaccidents …= f1['Geometry'] nodes = geo['orig_node_number'] orig_nodes = numpy.array(nodes['0']) local_hot_list = numpy.column_stack((orig_nodes,press_day,temp_day)) print 'File ' + local_files…5 local_hot_list's go into one stack like complete_hot_lists = numpy.vstack(h_list1, h_list2, h_list3, h_list4, h_list5) I … Re: NumPy vstack question Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …['Geometry'] nodes = geo['orig_node_number'] orig_nodes = numpy.array(nodes['0']) return numpy.column_stack((orig_nodes,press_day,temp_day)) complete_hot_list = numpy.vstack(tuple(local_hot_list(name, day_to_extract) for… Numpy loadtxt with string data Programming Software Development by hughesadam_87 …that I'm trying to store in a numpy array. avi_05MSalt00001.txt 2012 Feb 07 20:… (usec) 300 10 I've defined the following numpy datatype: [CODE]timefile_dtype=numpy.dtype([ ('filename', file), ('year', int), ('…, '', 50000, '', 300, 10) Is it possible for numpy to store these string variables? If so, am I doing… Re: Numpy loadtxt with string data Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …, otherwise the length defaults to zero. [code=python] import numpy timefile_dtype=numpy.dtype([ ('filename', file), ('year', int), ('month', str…('unit', str, 25), ('avg', int), ('boxcar', int), ]) a = numpy.zeros((1,), dtype=timefile_dtype) x = a[0] x['filename'] = "… NumPy hypergeometric distribution problem Programming Software Development by justaguy101 Hi guys! I have a problem calling the numpy.random.hypergeometric function with certain values. It …is Vista, Python version 2.6 and the latest NumPy version(and SciPy). Any idea what causes this? …Here's an example: [CODE] from numpy.random import hypergeometric print hypergeometric(10000, 10000, 10000) #Works… Numpy bit concatenation Programming Software Development by Niner710 Hi, I created a numpy matrix(1 row, 3 cols) with the following values [4 … of [4 6 8] I would want to have a numpy matrix of just 1 entry [010001101000]. I would like each… a 4 digit binary number. I looked at reshape for numpy but am still unsure how to do this? Would appreciate… Re: Numpy bit concatenation Programming Software Development by Niner710 … sense. Now, what if I have a numpy array as follows. [CODE] m = numpy.array([0xfe,0xff,0xf7,0xff,0x65,0xef,0xcc…,0xff]) [/CODE] I want to be able to converge this numpy array into one entry. So I would like to have… Re: NumPy hypergeometric distribution problem Programming Software Development by vegaseat … came up with these results ... [code]# numpy.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample, size=None) import numpy as np # these work fine print… Re: Numpy bit concatenation Programming Software Development by TrustyTony [CODE]>>> import numpy >>> m = numpy.array([4, 6, 8]) >>> m array([4, 6, 8]) >>> print m[-1]+16*m[-2]+16**2*m[-3] 1128 >>> sum(m*[16**2, 16, 1]) 1128 >>> bin(1128) '0b10001101000' >>> [/CODE] Numpy array 2d plotting Programming Software Development by bol0gna … numbers in each file to create a 2d plot using numpy. I've got a decent start, just am stuck on… to plot. [CODE] import os # for file handling functions import numpy as np # for array/matrix processing import matplotlib.pyplot as… numpy array rows and columns Programming Software Development by Chromana Hey. I'm importing an array in a text file via [icode]array=numpy.loadtxt("testdata.txt")[/icode]. Is there an easy way to count the number of rows and columns? Maybe something like [icode]x=numpy.countrow(array)[/icode]? I've had a look around and couldn't find anything suitable. Thanks, Alex Re: numpy array rows and columns Programming Software Development by vegaseat Use numpy shape ... [code]import numpy as np # create a 3 by 5 array of integer … Tricky Numpy Vectorize Question Programming Software Development by prodigenius numpy.vectorize takes a function f:a->b and turns … as an ndarray or list. For example: [CODE=python] import numpy as np def f(x): return np.array([1,1… numpy + MA, problem with min and max on masked arrays Programming Software Development by petr2008 Hi, I am using Python 2.4.4 and: from numpy import * from MA import * I am using masked data in … numpy for python3? Programming Software Development by daviddoria I'm just starting python and it seemed reasonable to go ahead and learn the new version. I read that numpy wont be available for python3 until at least 2010. All I need is a basic "vector", "matrix", and some basic functions like matrix/vector multiplication. Is anything like this available for python3? Thanks, Dave Numpy randn() sampling in a range of 1 and -1 Programming Software Development by pythonbegin Hi All I have a query about Numpy randn() function to generate random samples from standard normal distribution. … Re: Numpy randn() sampling in a range of 1 and -1 Programming Software Development by pythonbegin …. [QUOTE=pythonbegin;1541978]Hi All I have a query about Numpy randn() function to generate random samples from standard normal distribution… Re: Numpy randn() sampling in a range of 1 and -1 Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …, 1.0] like this [code=python] sigma = 0.1 a = numpy.clip(X + sigma * randn(100, 20), -1.0, 1.0… Re: Numpy randn() sampling in a range of 1 and -1 Programming Software Development by pythonbegin …, 1.0] like this [code=python] sigma = 0.1 a = numpy.clip(X + sigma * randn(100, 20), -1.0, 1.0… Re: Numpy randn() sampling in a range of 1 and -1 Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … from log normal distribution.[/QUOTE] I suppose so. Write [icode]numpy.random.lognormal(mean, sigma, (100,20))[/icode]. But can you… Numpy array creation Programming Software Development by hughesadam_87 Hey guys, I have a simple numpy datatype: [CODE]spec_dtype = np.dtype([ ('wavelength', float), ('intensity', float) ])[/CODE] … Re: Numpy array creation Programming Software Development by TrustyTony How about simply ziping the lists together: [CODE]import numpy as np spec_dtype = np.dtype([ ('wavelength', float), ('intensity', float) ]) wavelengths=[300.00, 200.00, 100.00] intensities=[23, 32, 43] mydata = np.array(zip(wavelengths, intensities), dtype=spec_dtype) print(mydata)[/CODE] NumPy and Python list Programming by Abhays01 Is NumPy is better than Python list? Re: Convert python list to numpy array. Programming Software Development by sneekula Numpy handles only numeric arrays, not object arrays. I think VPython actually uses numpy/numeric internally. Re: Python 3.3 and Numpy Programming Software Development by vegaseat numpy-MKL-1.6.2.win32-py3.3.exe can be found at the Gohlke site Re: Loan calculation using Python module numpy Programming Software Development by HiHe Numpy is not only fast, but in this case simple to use. Re: Tricky Numpy Vectorize Question Programming Software Development by prodigenius No, it is not solved. Your solution has the exact same problem is my line 7 - it gives a numpy object array, not a numpy float array. Did you test it? repr(g(a)) == 'array([[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.], [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.], [ 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.],[ 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.]], dtype=object)' Re: Tricky Numpy Vectorize Question Programming Software Development by TrustyTony [CODE]import numpy as np def f(x): return np.array([1,1,1,1,1], dtype=np.float32) * x g = np.vectorize(f, otypes=[np.ndarray]) a = np.arange(4) print(a) print repr(g(a)) [/CODE]