1,633 Topics

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Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm trying to get an email generated when a form is processed. This is my first stab at such. It's not working for some reason. When I comment out the lines concerning the email generation, it works fine. The problem apparently lies somewhere in that section of the code, but …

Member Avatar for kahaj
Member Avatar for Didiera

Hi i'm trying to write a decryption code to process encrypted files. I have the error below whenever I try to initialise an cypher object of type Crypt::CBC and supplying 'Blowfish' as decryption algorithm, I get the following [QUOTE]C:\>decrypt.pl Couldn't load Crypt::Blowfish: Can't locate loadable object for module Crypt::Bl owfish …

Member Avatar for Didiera
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, I try to compare items in two different arrays. This loop works well in another program of mine. But not in the current program i'm working on. Weird.... The output of the program shows [ICODE] Nested quantifiers in regex; marked by <-- HERE........ [/ICODE] [CODE=PERL] for $3 (@obsolete_class_declare) { …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for muppetjones

I'm still kinda new at this, so please bear with me, but I have tried debugging the program (perl -d) and using Carp as well. I just can't seem to isolate the problem. I'm using regex to search through a series of sequences read in from BioPerl (this is not …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for lunabelle22a

Hi, I need some help reformatting some data. I have a file with 6 fixed-width columns. The columns alternate between variables (width=25) and their corresponding values (width=15). There is a total of 125 variables and associated values. I only need 6 of these variable/value sets for future plotting purposes. What …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Scruffstone

Hi there, I can't get this foreach loop to work. It says "Global symbol "$name" requires explicit package name at d:\domains\jacamar.co.uk\wwwroot\cgi-bin\Process_login.pl line 25." which is presumably because I haven't declared it as "my $name" somewhere but what do I declare it as - if I do "my $name = ""; …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, I'm having problem with the usage of File::Find Module. What i'm trying to do is to browse through two directories and put all the files into two arrays respectively (each array for each dir). I just cant use the "find" twice... An error message will be shown: [icode] Use …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for Aardvarc

Hi, I'm trying to run the R language from within Perl. Is there a way to send some code to R, and then obtain the result or output of this code (which will run in R) back in Perl? Thanks! L.

Member Avatar for Scruffstone

Hi there, I'm trying to write a script that when a user clicks the "save" button it takes the content of a text box, calls another script which writes this to a file. The bit I can't get it to do is recognise that the "save" button has been clicked …

Member Avatar for Scruffstone

Hi All, I'm trying to pass a variable from a form to a perl script. It produces the error:- "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers." when run it (call it from the click of a submit button on an html …

Member Avatar for Scruffstone
Member Avatar for Davo1977

Analysing text files to obtain statistics on their content You are to write a Perl program that analyses text files to obtain statistics on their content. The program should operate as follows: 1) When run, the program should check if an argument has been provided. If not, the program should …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for kahaj

I have two computers set up at home. My Windows XP machine won't run CGI scripts for some reason. I'm trying to get my old Win2k machine to run it with IIS. How do I code the action line in an online form to run it on another machine on …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, Does anyone know how to browse through a folder to find all the files contains in it? I know how to use the opendir function but: 1. I'm having problem with looping in which i can use to browse through ALL the folders and ALL the files contained in …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, I'm a beginner for Perl. Just want to ask a few simple question: 1. Which Text Editor tools is the best for Perl? 2. Some recommend JEditor. I installed it but having problem with the Exuberant CTags. After i downloaded it I cant seem to install and apply it. …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for raj_3y2k

Hi, I'm new to Perl, I installed ActivePerl in my machine and it is running properly. But when I'm trying to open a CGI using Tomcat I'm getting HTTP Status 404 error. I also did the following Altered Tomcat's C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\conf\web.xml file a) There's a CGIServlet that's commented out; so I …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, I'm trying to write a perl program for a simple phone book. Means when the user enter a name, the phone book will search and display the name and the phone number of that person. Below is my code: [CODE=syntax] #!/usr/bin/perl; #playplay.pl use warnings; use strict; my %phonebook = …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for katharnakh

Hi, I have problem running my cgi scripts under Apache Tomcat server. I am using Apache Tomcat/5.5.20 on WinXP. I followed the instruction tips I found out at [url]http://www.wellho.net/forum/Perl-Programming/Running-Perl-CGI-scripts[/url]... [url]http://www.ftponline.com/javapro/2003_03/online/perl_teden_03_18_03/p[/url]... but still I could not get the scripts running. I get HTTP status 404 error. The directory structure I have …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for sugaprem

f Keyword is: Dell Desktop Computers Output Should be: "Dell" "Desktop" "Computers" "Dell Desktop" "Dell Computers" "Desktop Dell" "Desktop Computers" "Computers Dell" "Computers Desktop" "Dell Desktop Computers" "Dell Computers Desktop" "Desktop Dell Computers" "Desktop Computers Dell" "Computers Dell Desktop" "Computers Desktop Dell"

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Scruffstone

Hi there, I'm trying to open up a text file read info from it, alter it and write back the alterations when a user clicks on the save button, but I've hit two issues:- 1) I can't open the file for write access as I don't have permissions - can …

Member Avatar for Scruffstone
Member Avatar for asda71

hi friends.............. i m new to perl n i hav a doubt. i hav a wordpad file which contains two fields.i hav to do look up in the file such tht whenever the first field is gettin as the output of some program i hav to do a look up …

Member Avatar for thinkvlsi
Member Avatar for AppleTastic

Hi, So my intention is to grab a relative html file and extract all relative links and then open those links to extract the relative links from those files and so on. Pretty much I need to build an html tree from an initial html file. I have written some …

Member Avatar for prashant.jnu

Dear all , I am not very much efficient in perl . I used to write small script of code usually by using file handler . I have written a code for multplication of 2*3 matrix . I want to use this code efficiently so that it can be any …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for AppleTastic

Hi, I'm trying to develop a program that will take one HTML file and from there open all child windows, copy the text on that HTML page and put it all into a new text file. I would do this manually but I have 2200 HTML pages to go through. …

Member Avatar for adadadad

Hi, I have an html file and I have to extract information from its table. I am new to perl but I would give my approach below so I could get some help.. In the html file the table is like for example a 1 b 2 c 3 d …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for neverland

I have a certain VBA file in which I want to change 2 things automatically (this file is automatically generated and I don't want to change it manually over and over again) Suppose the name of this file is BAS_IN.bas and the contents are: Function AsianOption(Optional SpotVector As Variant, _ …

Member Avatar for rysin

Ive been working with perl for a while now and was wondering how and if I could get started in making my perl code do real life things like flip a switch. Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Scruffstone

Hi All, I'm new here so apologies if there's something not quite done right in my first post on here. I'm fairly new to Perl but this is the first bit I've tried to write at home on my own. I want to have a .pl file that runs in …

Member Avatar for Scruffstone
Member Avatar for massfo

Hi, I've developed a little ClearCase perl wrapper running under Windows shell. In some cases the wrapper just passes the clearcase commands and parameters to the "normal" IBM cleartool and exit. I use exec to run the clearcase commands in these cases and it works as expected, but after the …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for cool_aps

Can any body tell, how to write perl script using SOAP-Lite for "Web services". how we can get information from web services using this script.

Member Avatar for suresh82

I have a problem loading pictures or images while loading a cgi perl script file but all the other html tags are working fine plz its urgent

Member Avatar for KevinADC

The End.