“WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Johannes C. … named Friedrich Kaufmann. But his ['Trumpet Player Automaton'](https://cyberneticzoo.com/robots/1810-automaton-trumpet-player-friedrich-kaufmann-german/) hardly is what… Re: “WHEN WILL I GET MY ROBOT?!” Community Center by Reverend Jim Never mind the robots. They've been promising me flying cars since 1950. Where is my flying car? ![Flying_Cars.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/3/6e2832c60bf9dbca44507231ce074d07.jpg) player Programming Software Development by vincent david can you just tell how to play a sound files(.mp3,wav,mp4)using directX but not using any player controls like media player Player Class Help! Programming Software Development by dahliababy …* * Complete the constructors and methods below */ public class Player implements Comparable { private String myname; private int mylocx, mylocy…} public double distance(Player p) { // returns the distance between this player and player p } public boolean isSamelocation(Player p) { // returns… Player Program Programming Software Development by marciaalanna …: Marcia Huggins Date Written: January 2, 2011 Purpose: Video Game Player Program */ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip>…[], scoreAr[], numPlayersRef) { while(numPlayersRef < ARRAY_SIZE) { //Prompt for the player's name or Q to quit cout << "… Player Program Programming Software Development by neoj88 …Q to quit): Sue Enter score for Sue: 1098 Enter Player Name (Q to quit): Dave Enter score for Dave: 8219…; //welcome cout << "Welcome to the Video Game Player Program" << endl; cout << "…) { while(numPlayers < 100) { cout << "Enter Player Name (Q to quit): " << endl; getline(cin… Player accleration Programming Software Development by Hidden_mistakes …*SCREEN; /// Some Sprites SDL_Surface *background, *intro, *numbers; PLAYER playerA, playerB; BALL ball; SDL_Joystick *joy0; Uint32 iTicksLastKey=0; …= 120-(ball.sprite)->h/2; } else { go(); } } //player B paddle Reflektion: delta=(ball.pos_y)-(playerB.pos_y); if (((ball… player shoot bullets class Programming Software Development by game06 …1st level. now i want to make my player shoot bullets. i kind of now logic behind…int bullet_limit = 50; //limit how many times can player shoot private int bullet_range = 200; //set how …in arraylist where ever user hit space bar. player.class public class player { ... bullet bullet_class; ArrayList<shoot>… Re: Player accleration Programming Software Development by daviddoria … will learn anything by learning how to speed up your player - on a forum like this, ideally (at least in my… you to apply it to your specific problem (moving the player). See what I mean? Dave Re: Player accleration Programming Software Development by Hidden_mistakes … will learn anything by learning how to speed up your player - on a forum like this, ideally (at least in my… you to apply it to your specific problem (moving the player). See what I mean? Dave[/QUOTE] Yes i see what… Re: Player Program Programming Software Development by neoj88 … break set at line 32 and instead of having the player average, the avgScore variable returns as -9.255....e+061… Re: Player accleration Programming Software Development by Hidden_mistakes Actually my question was how to speed the player up as stated in the topic header. Player Recomendations? - For Game Programming Software Development by soapyillusion … would be the best way to do this. Have each player be its own instance of the same class? Or would… it be better to make each player its own class? Or should I go so far to… make each player their own file in the applet? What would you guys… Re: Player Recomendations? - For Game Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill You don't suppy a lot of info, but I'm 99% sure you should have a Player class with one instance for each player. Obe class per player misses the whole point of classes. Re: player shoot bullets class Programming Software Development by game06 i have a question on arraylist? what is the reason for storing bullets. i am using player without storeing and i can use collision and other function on it. is it so if i shoot my 1st bullet than i can use function on it but if i shoot my 2nd bullet. than java forget about 1st bullet and it will use collsion function on 2nd bullet, not 1st bullet? Player code(help please) Programming Software Development by ashkan3030 I want a very simple player code to playes mp3 or wav files and also want to know where I should put it in my VisualMidlet to be played when I select special part of my choice group? please help me it's so important for me. Thank you all. Player at the Java application Programming Software Development by Sandar Khin Hi all I want to know what player can I use at my java application(at my JPanel) for playing rtmp streaming.I do need your help.Pls help me.Thank in advance. Creating a GUI Wrapper for VLC Media Player in python/wxpython Programming by Reverend Jim …1.0 newpos = self.sldPosition.GetValue()/self.player.get_length() self.player.set_position(newpos) In this case it helps to…to 1.0 newpos = self.sldPosition.GetValue()/self.player.get_length() self.player.set_position(newpos) def GetAspect(self): ""… Synchronizing Multi-Video Player Problem !!! Programming Software Development by markku …add(mainPanel); setVisible(true); } public synchronized void wrapRealize(javax.media.Player player) { player.realize(); while(!realized) { try { wait(); } catch(InterruptedException interupt) { interupt.printStackTrace… Connect 4 computer player Programming Software Development by wiggles …using namespace std; class Board { private: char player; char board[6][7]; public: Board (); … cin >> player2name; do { showBoard(); //Player 1 if (player=='x') { do { cout<< player1name &…0-6)\n"; makeMove(player,col); }while(!checkMove(col)); player='o'; } //Player 2 else { do {… Collision not working between player and enemy Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 … thread; Timer timer; //Class variables Ground ground_class; Player player_class; Platform platform_class; Shoot shoot_class; Enemy enemy_class; … mouseExited(MouseEvent e){} }[/CODE] player.java [CODE]public class Player { //Player movement variable private int sx =… Re: Creating a GUI Wrapper for VLC Media Player in python/wxpython Programming by Harish_13 I am a blind computer user. I tried running the GUI media player. However, none of the GUI is accessible with screen reader. I am running Windows 10. I am also looking for an accessible GUI using screenreader on python. Harish Problems with Windows Media Player 10 Hardware and Software Information Security by jmsony …C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\WINDOWS\…:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe[/COLOR]C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program…C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program … Problems with Windows Media Player 10 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jmsony ….exe C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exeC:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE….EXE C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe C:\Program Files\windows… TIC TAC TOE automized player....is me!! Programming Software Development by mnv29brt …n"; print_board(board); return 0; } } else { // Player 2 player2_move(i, board); if (illegal_move(i, board)) { cout … next move, marked with an 'o' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ now player 2 is me....but here's a swist its auctually… Re: TIC TAC TOE automized player....is me!! Programming Software Development by mnv29brt …[j] = 'e'; } } // First, use random number generator to choose which player starts first. // If the integer number returned by rand() is… won the game!!!\n"; print_board(board); return 0; } } else { // Player 2 player2_move(i, board); if (illegal_move(i, board)) { cout <… Re: TIC TAC TOE automized player....is me!! Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …// First, use random number generator to choose which player starts first. // If the integer number returned by…) || (num && !(i%2))) { // Player 1 player1_move(i, board); if (illegal_move(i, board)) {… print_board(board); return 0; } } else { // Player 2 player2_move(i, board); if (illegal_move(i, board))… Help With Compiling a Player vs. Computer Program of Connect Four Programming Software Development by nathan.pavlovsky …(); bool WantToMoveFirst(); string GetNameInitially() const; }; Player::Player(Board& aBoard,const char& piece):… endl; return ans; } inline string Player::GetName() { return m_Name; } int Player::GetMove() { int move=m_Board.GetHumanMove();… Re: Help With Compiling a Player vs. Computer Program of Connect Four Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …bool WantToMoveFirst(); string GetNameInitially() const; }; Player::Player(Board& aBoard,const char&…{ m_Board.ClearBoard(); FirstRound=false; } //Get Player Char playerWantToGoFirst=m_Player.WantToMoveFirst(); if (playerWantToGoFirst) { … Re: Help With Compiling a Player vs. Computer Program of Connect Four Programming Software Development by nathan.pavlovsky …(); bool WantToMoveFirst(); string GetNameInitially() const; }; Player::Player(Board& aBoard,const char& piece):… endl; return ans; } inline string Player::GetName() { return m_Name; } int Player::GetMove() { int move=m_Board.GetHumanMove();…