Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … first + noësis = intellect] stage of AI progress. During this era we shall continue developing foundation models …critical thinking that drove cultural, social, and scientific progress for millennia shall atrophy, leaving humanity cerebrally enfeebled… a watchful eye on the [Singularity 'loading bar']( and I share your… Progress bar with compression c# Programming Software Development by AhMing46 … software. at the moment i facing prob with the progress bar. my idea was that whenever i click on the …button to compress the progress bar will load and ended when the compression complete. However …i first time using progress bar so i not too sure how i could sychronise the… Re: progress bar Programming Software Development by sendoshin …to load the application). I'm assuming you mean a progress bar on something like a splash screen. The trick to … From there, you can decide how much to increment the progress bar as each part completes. For example, suppose I have an… value. Of course, the way you break up your progress bar is entirely up to you, and will vary from program… Progress Bar Programming Software Development by dinilkarun …is developed in BOA constructor. I have placed a gauge(Progress Bar) on the frame to let user know much of …50 seconds to complete the entire processing. I want the Progress bar to automatically increment along with the time taken for processing…. What I mean is that: Progress bar value should be set to 0 at the start, 25… Re: progress bar Programming Software Development by sendoshin …Load frmProgress With frmProgress.ProgressBar1 .Max = <number of progress bar parts> .Value = 0 <read in registry values…s loading procedure. frmProgress is the Form with the Progress Bar (ProgressBar1) on it. The With statement just makes…to write the rest of the code for the Progress Bar - you can just as easily use [inlinecode]… Re: progress bar Programming Software Development by susamudre …] regards santosh [quote=sendoshin;260069]Increment the progress bar in the code that actually loads the program,… frmProgress With frmProgress.ProgressBar1 .Max = <number of progress bar parts> .Value = 0 <read in registry… loading procedure. frmProgress is the Form with the Progress Bar (ProgressBar1) on it. The With statement just… Re: Progress Bar HELP Programming Software Development by BitBlt …example, you could set the Max property of each progress bar individually to a random number, then loop through a … of iterations, increasing the Value property of each progress bar until the smallest Max value of the group is… the amount to increase the Value property of each progress bar individually. Then you increase the Value randomly until one… Re: Progress bar Programming Web Development by Biiim …it was fun. heres an example of progress bar in JS <html> <…} } function tester(obj){ //alert(obj); progress = progress + 1; setProgressBar(obj,barLength,progress,progressEnd); setTimeout(function() { tester(obj); },…resetBar();'>Reset Progress</a><br/> Change bar width:<input… Re: Progress bar Programming Software Development by Vineeth K …form.It is easy to increase the value of the progress bar.Just add another value. I made an example.Here …is the code to increase the Progress Bar. [CODE] Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval = 1 ProgressBar1.Max = …B]. Don't forget to check the total value of progress bar.If it reaches the maximum you must stop it. … Re: Progress bar Programming Software Development by ImMoRtAl- …form.It is easy to increase the value of the progress bar.Just add another value. I made an example.Here …is the code to increase the Progress Bar. [CODE] Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval = 1 ProgressBar1.Max = …B]. Don't forget to check the total value of progress bar.If it reaches the maximum you must stop it. … Progress Bar Programming Web Development by Saikumar Adep …, I need to develop a progress bar in my web application which is in This progress bar should see on screen while…, corresponding pages will get disply. so i want to display progress bar on click of those menus Please help me with this… Progress bar Programming Software Development by kcasmir …. In that case, i need to include a progress bar that shows the progress of the process above and i do not know… the code that will simultaneously show the progress on a progress bar. I appreciate your contributions in advance. Thank you. Re: Progress Bar Programming Web Development by israelvainberg …users actions for no good reason. A true progress bar needs to show the user a real information… a nice idea. 3 ways of implementing a better progress-bar: 1. Using 100% Javascript + DOM - Using DOM…1px width) with onLoad event which triggers the progress bar. 3. Using Flash Object + ExternalInterface + ActionScript (getBytesLoaded +… Re: progress bar Programming Software Development by arvin2006 …1 minute. i tried to set 1 minute for the progress bar, but the problem is this: the application will only …start loading after the progress bar finished loading, if i will set them at same …time ( and "open.exe") the progress bar will be interrupted and not continue loading.. how could i… Re: Progress bar Programming Software Development by Robert1995 [QUOTE=Pynolathgeen;1182261]Hello, I created a fully working progress bar for my 2D Game patcher. I have a question, Is …it possible to have an Image painted on the progress bar? I know its possible in VB but I wanna try…=""]Progress Bar Tutorial[/URL] progress bar Programming Web Development by niths hi all, i had a image upload code and it is working fine but while uploading i need some progress bar. so i got some progress can any one suggest me how to integrate that progress bar in my code...Is there any examples... Thank u. Progress Bar HELP Programming Software Development by jgab Hi I'm new to vb6, i just wanna ask something.. i want to create a Progress Bar race game in vb6, my question is how do i randomize progress bar speed?assuming that i have FIVE Progress Bars, any help is appreciated..thanks!:) Re: Progress bar Programming Software Development by DdoubleD … verify calculation.... Console.WriteLine(pct); // Update the progress bar... worker.ReportProgress(pct); } } // Optional: Set … e) { // Set the current progress value and update the control... progressBar1.… progress bar Programming Software Development by arvin2006 hello to everyone! is there any one can help me to associate the progress bar with the loading application? such that if it finished executing, the progress bar also finished loading.. thanks! i am grateful for the responses. God bless you all! progress bar Programming Web Development by inshi hi, i have already implemented the progress bar in php but the problem is that, i am unable to direct the loaded the progress bar to another page please! help me!!!!!!!!!!! Progress Bar Programming Software Development by Naruse How to use progress bar to display a picture. I mean after progress bar is completed it will showing a picture. Please Help i just newbie :) Progress Bar Programming Web Development by essential A simple progress bar that you can addUp with some common events' like redirecting the user to another source. And while they wait let this progress bar do some work for them... progress bar Programming Software Development by royalbow I have a calculator program and I want to add a progress bar. The progress bar is for visual effects only; I want it to animate for just enough time so that it will be noticed everytime I hit the "=" button. I'm a newbie in making forms and actually, this is the first one i've made so I'm not that knowledgeable in event-handling etc. Progress bar Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca How can I put a progress bar inside this code: (I was trying to use PerformStep method …, but no luck: [URL="How can I put a progress bar inside this code: (I was trying to use PerformStep method… Progress bar Programming Software Development by Pynolathgeen Hello, I created a fully working progress bar for my 2D Game patcher. I have a question, Is it possible to have an Image painted on the progress bar? I know its possible in VB but I wanna try it in C++. I could find any results using Google. Thanks! Re: Progress Bar Programming Web Development by stbuchok ASP.Net has a progress bar control. Progress bar Programming Web Development by techyworld Hi i've done a progress bar in javascript. but i dont know how to do the mapping.that is map it to a percentage. the lenght of my progress bar is 260. Can someone help? Re: Progress bar Programming Web Development by andrag73 Use <div id=...>My progress bar</div> And change the contents (innerHTML property) with your progress bar ! I did it in my programs and it works fine !