resourcefile Programming Software Development by jack1to2 i want to save a text file (eg:ABC.txt) in RES file and load it into a combo box or a list box using following code.. Open App.path & "\ABC.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, s Combo4.AddItem s Loop Close #1 how do i give the path of text file from RES file... thanks in… Re: resourcefile Programming Software Development by vb5prgrmr You don't, you need to either use LoadResData or LoadResString to extract the information from a resource file and then use split to put that information into an array to add it to your combobox or save it to a file to use your code. Good Luck the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by winecoding …)) { resource = resource.substring(1); } final File resourceFile = new File(dir, resource); if (resourceFile.isFile() && resourceFile.canRead()) { return new IResource [] { new FileResource… using .resx file to dynamically change page content based on user Programming Web Development by kcwebsites … switch statement: [code]switch(user) case user1: resourcefile = user1.resx; break; case user2: resourcefile = user2.resx[/code] Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks… Re: using .resx file to dynamically change page content based on user Programming Web Development by kcwebsites … behind. I chose the resource file by using [code]var resourcefile = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("RootNamespace.ResxFileName",System.Reflection… Reading back Application Version Programming Software Development by disc … what I did. But... after setting the version in the resourcefile to and reading it back with… Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by freddan007 …'t show up. When I removed the line in the resourcefile it showed up again but with the old 95/98… Re: any idea ?! Programming Software Development by ddanbe … = 0; // create bitmap or get one from a file or resourcefile bm = new Bitmap(cBallSize, cBallSize); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm… Re: Loading Icon from Resources?? Programming Software Development by ddanbe To get your resources in your program do something like this: [CODE=c#]Icon ico = new Icon(Properties.Resources.iconname, new Size(32,32));[/CODE]Perhaps this should work also, did not test it... [CODE=c#]Icon ico = Properties.Resources.iconname;[/CODE] [B]iconname [/B]is the name the icon has in the resourcefile. Re: Finish Application... Programming Software Development by ddanbe Don't see how you would access a text file via a resourcefile. And for securiy reasons access to the program Files folder is limited. Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by masijade Post the actual stack trace. And I hope the class containing this call does not import a class named "File" (or that its package does not contain a class named "File") that is different from the "File" imported in DirLocator (or from a class named File in its package). Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by winecoding The error message was just given by Eclipse without even compiling the code. So there is no stack trace. Do you nee me to post the java file containing ResourceLookup lexicalResourceLookup = new ResourceLookup(new DirLocator(lexicalDir));[CODE][/CODE] In fact, I constructed ResourceLookup this way based on an example given in the software. I … Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Post the import statements for your class. Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by winecoding [code=java]import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector;… Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by Ezzaral That all looks reasonable to me. Assuming you don't have any custom classes named File or DirLocator within that same package, I would wonder if some other issue is preventing the Eclipse parser from correctly seeing that constructor. It's obviously there and is public. Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Is it possible that you have included an old version of the Carrot2 jar? Because the archived 2.x version API does not have that constructor for DirLocator. It only has the DirLocator(String) constructor. Re: the question on "constructor is undefined" Programming Software Development by winecoding Yes, that was the issue. Thanks. [QUOTE=Ezzaral;1567849]Is it possible that you have included an old version of the Carrot2 jar? Because the archived 2.x version API does not have that constructor for DirLocator. It only has the DirLocator(String) constructor.[/QUOTE] Re: Reading back Application Version Programming Software Development by replic Watch out for more entries that say Version in your *.rc file and change them all to the Version you want. That works for VC++ 6 maybe it still works in the newer versions. Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by nucleon You haven't posted the manifest file. Did you [icode]InitCommonControlsEx()[/icode]? Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by freddan007 My manifest file: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="Zhorn.Styles.Styles&… Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by nucleon [url=]InitCommonControlsEx[/url] (see the table at the bottom) Try putting it in your WM_CREATE handler. Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by freddan007 I still get an error: [CODE] Main.cpp In function `BOOL DlgProc(HWND__*, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM)': Main.cpp `InitCommonControlsEx' undeclared (first use this function) (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) [Build Error] [Main.o] Error 1 [/CODE] My includes: [CODE=c++]#include &… Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by mitrmkar [QUOTE=freddan007;820016]I still get an error: [CODE] Main.cpp In function `BOOL DlgProc(HWND__*, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM)': Main.cpp `InitCommonControlsEx' undeclared (first use this function) (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) [Build Error] [Main.o] Error 1 [/CODE] [/QUOTE]… Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by freddan007 I added #define _WIN32_IE 0x0301 in resources.h and created the struct [CODE=c++] INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX InitCtrlEx; InitCtrlEx.dwICC = ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES; InitCtrlEx.dwSize=sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCtrlEx);[/CODE] but the INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX… Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by mitrmkar resource.h is not the place to define _WIN32_IE. Do it instead above the #includes, i.e. [code] #define _WIN32_IE 0x0301 #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> [/code] Or alternatively in the project's configuration. Re: Dev-cpp XP manifest file. Programming Software Development by freddan007 Thank you it works now! : D