577 Topics

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Member Avatar for sacarias40

i am new to RSS and for that i have no idea where to start to get it on my webpages. i know i need a reader? and i need a feed, how can i get these? regards.

Member Avatar for bryansmith123
Member Avatar for Seedy

Hi folks I'm looking for a way to take an RSS feed, filter it according to some predefined rules and then email the results. Ideally this would work on a linux based webserver. I'm not a developer - so it would be great if there were some tools out there …

Member Avatar for bryansmith123
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

I have an rss feed on one of my servers, that changes constantly, however I think that it is been caches somewhere down stream, is their any way I can stop it from been cached?

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for claimsready

Hi there, i have vb6 code that instantiates an MSSOAP.SoapClient, then, after i do the "SOAPClient.msoapinit urlWSDL", i invoke the remote method SOAPClient.searchPolicy(XMLin), and the following error is generated: "Invalid procedure call or argument", i found out that the property SOAPClient.faultstring has now this error string:"SoapMapper: Restoring data into SoapMapper …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

I tried to follow [url=http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/websvc/gs-axis.html]Creating Apache Axis2 Web Services on NetBeans IDE[/url]. It worked for me till the point of [url=http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/websvc/gs-axis.html#deploy_axis]deploying an Axis2 web service to the server[/url]. Once I select [b]Test Operation in Browser[/b] it does give me following Warning [code]Unable to open web service tester page: http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/HelloAxisWorld/hello?name=XYZ Make …

Member Avatar for btech_Saurabh

Hi Community I am trying to get the CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials for my WebServices. but CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials =null, CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials have to get the Windows Username and password ........but why it is null? Domain name="" Username="" Password="" ......please any body tell me whats the reason behind this.........i have also put impersonate=true in web.config file.... …

Member Avatar for crazydeveloper2

Hi, 1)Is it Possible to have multiple SOAP:body tags in one SOAP Message? 2)Is it Possible to have multiple SOAP:header tags in one SOAP Message? I need answers ASAP as i am studying for a certification tomorrow.

Member Avatar for yaronn01
Member Avatar for odtaa

How easy is it to set a system to read RSS codes from say newspapers and filter them out to appear on my site. What I'm actually looking at is getting book reviews where I would investigate the feed headers - find a book or author and then link the …

Member Avatar for kellogs

Hello, I would like to clarify one thing about SOAP security. My situation is like this: there is a web service server and some web service clients that I need to bring up using SOAP. This web service will only be used with my own clients and, perhaps some other …

Member Avatar for yaronn01
Member Avatar for javajoe

I saw a little tutorial on placing a RSS feed in my website. I followed the instructions to the T...but still not working. Is there something special I need to do. Here is what I did: I went to Yahoo and picked the news sites I want on my sites...I …

Member Avatar for Steven Wevodau
Member Avatar for Temeshwarrior

Hi Com, I’m currently working on a gSOAP client for an cpache CXF service, who authenticates itself by using RSA-Keys. But I have no idea how to configure the security header of my client, which is needed by the service The java code looks similar to this: [CODE] Map<String,Object> inProps= …

Member Avatar for lorenya

Hi. I have mini sites which were working fine. However, suddenly all of them gives the same error message [B]XML error: > required at line 14[/B] and the google news do not load. I use godaddy service. I could not understand where this problem comes from and how it can …

Member Avatar for lorenya
Member Avatar for khaleekcool

hi i want to know the best way for earning money from google adsense ___________________ <URL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for mitz
Member Avatar for khaleekcool
Member Avatar for khaleekcool
Member Avatar for ukey.nilesh

Hi folks i am pursuing my Dual Degree(Bachelor + Masters) from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee(India). I am quite interested in web services and planning to do a project which states as: web service enabled appointment scheduler for universities/colleges. This scheduler may have many different functions like: given our free …

Member Avatar for khaleekcool
Member Avatar for jaimitoc30

Hi, I need to make a client which post an XML via HTTPS to a server. Everytime I run the process this is what I get back: [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://com.seven.relay.web.soap" xmlns:tns="http://com.seven.relay.web.soap" xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:ns1="http://soap.web.relay.seven.com" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenc11="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:soapenc12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding" xmlns:soap11="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://soap.web.relay.seven.com"> <xsd:complexType name="CreateAccountSubscriptionRequest"> …

Member Avatar for gReaen
Member Avatar for gReaen

Hello all, I am trying to learn WSDL from few weeks. I use BEA workspace studio to develop the web services in java. I checked out few examples and wrote a service for temperature conversion using 'Document' style and 'literal' use and it worked fine. Then i tried the same …

Member Avatar for Jihad

I have an wsdl file, I puted the wsdl file in the app_code folder ("I am using visual studio 2008"), as it is supposed to be it generated the proxy for me. But the proxy file containes object type parameter for all functions even for the functions that are not …

Member Avatar for Jihad
Member Avatar for Rioku

First I want to apologize if this has been asked before. I have spent hours trying to figure this out and can never find a straightforward answer. It has turned out to be a FAR more difficult problem then I originally thought. Basically, I need to write a client side …

Member Avatar for Rioku
Member Avatar for csteverun

For some reason Safari and Bloglines strips out part of the HREF address in my RSS links. The feed address is: [url]http://popsicklestrip.com/pss-rss.xml[/url] The proper address format is: [domain]s/[comic-name] For example: [url]http://popsicklestrip.com/s/to-the-death/[/url] This is how it appears in the actual XML file and it works fine in Firefox and Opera. However, …

Member Avatar for csteverun
Member Avatar for bar7b

Im trying to build a site that gets info, lets say product prices, from different xml sources that have a different structure. Then it displays all the prices sorted.. My first guess is to import all the data from the different XMLs to a mysql db after the sorting of …

Member Avatar for Deeapkkamboj

Hi, I wanna know my site traffic ranking for last 3 month, (Apr-Jun'08), yet i didn't install any tracking code...............plz suggest me any site or tools...

Member Avatar for einfoway
Member Avatar for trusis

Hello! please help to stupid girl who first time work with WSDL I need to send data, but I can't do that. I have wsdl file (under - sorry that that's so long) who I get from server side I can operate with function testEcho - that is work correctly, …

Member Avatar for revanthvemuri

Hai, Can any one solve thsi problem immediately for me.First ,I got one WSDL file from thirdparty using that wsdl through SOAPUI plugin (WSDL2Java) i got some classes and i created one webservice and deployed it in the JBOSS Server and also i had written one client class and in …

Member Avatar for chnswam

Hi, I have an issue with accessing a web service from a client application under Vista (only). In all other OS, it works fine. Let me explain in detail: I have a windows application (client) that's installed on a users machine. It accesses a remote web service for its operations. …

Member Avatar for pash

Can you pliz help me with ideas for a final yr project bout web services cant get my head round to something that is not too broad. Thank you

Member Avatar for pash
Member Avatar for qaizaar

Can anyone point me towards resources where I can find out if there are advantages/disadv to using weblogic over Tomcat. I have webservices running on weblogic and am required to move to tomcat, so want to do research. (i.e where can i do research on benefits/drawbacks/pitfalls/to dos/not to dos/etc. for …

Member Avatar for qaizaar
Member Avatar for brad1985

Hi fellas, I’ve been developing sites for quite a while and I want to improve the RSS functions according to each site. I want it to be more dynamic, does anyone share this restlessness with me?

Member Avatar for dianlinus

Hi would like to seek some help here as I'm doing some research on SOAP and was wondering whether if SOAP adds any sort of header and trailer into the data payload? If there is what are the sizes of these payloads? Thanks man~!

Member Avatar for coflo

I am relatively new to XSL transforms so I apologize if my language or verbage is incorrect. I am trying to invoke a JS function of a flash player which requires a URI. In order to do this I would like to take the RSS feed, the snippet below, and …


The End.