577 Topics

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Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, am a newbie and I searched I didn't see this question somewhere. If it exist, forgive me. I need help in redirecting url. I want to redirect users from [url]www.ammotorllc.com[/url] to [url]www.ammotorsllc.com[/url]. I want it that when people type the first, it will automatically switch them to the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, Trying to configure an apache web server on my home network and had a question about port forwarding. I have my router set to forward everything on port 80 to the webserver, but I wanted to see if there were any ramifications of this that I may not …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for priya500

Hi all . I'm living in India. I hosted my web site in awardspace free hosting plan. can i register my domain name. assign it to my web site ? I like to register my domain name at [url]www.bigrock.in[/url] . is it possible to with free hosting plan like awardspace.

Member Avatar for gyemen
Member Avatar for -acir-

I have attached the complete code however I cant find out why am getting error when I run the program. Please help me figure this out. Thanks. :):)

Member Avatar for jonow

I know how to replace any image that cannot be found with a default image with the .htaccess file but I was wondering if it could be done when there is not URL. For example if I have this: [CODE]<img src="" alt="Picture" />[/CODE] It would not show up, I was …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for s0bigg

I am using MySQL database to download various RSS feeds every few hours. The feeds are then displayed on my website that shows a direct link to the original website where the feed is coming from. I want to change this such that the link would show my website that …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to open the Apache Tomcat server that is installed in MyEclipse but without having to open MyEclipse; as a standalone application of sorts. How do I do this? Thank you

Member Avatar for raul8

Hello, I want to fetch the rest of the XML stored inside SOAP body, but with the below simple code, I'm not able to: [CODE]public class AttributeScanner { protected String getEnvOject(InputStream iStream) throws Exception { String xml = null; // First create the connection SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(); SOAPConnection connection …

Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, I just started a hosting company and I wanted to know which is the best Client management program/plugin script to go with. Something that gives the ability to create invoices, links to make payments (maybe paypal), notifications, messages...something pretty basic. If you have a link to scripts that …

Member Avatar for adarshcu

Hi All, I've the following scenario which i am not sure can be implemented. I have my Client Side Objects, which have been defined at an earlier stage. Now i need to send the data in the form of XML to the server side who have given me XSD's. Now …

Member Avatar for nore

Anybody know how to use RSS to gain some information/data then do some code in JSP (processing data), thanks before :) to make clear, example : [url]www.facebook.com[/url] , how to get the word "Sign Up"?

Member Avatar for sreecareer

Hi, I am writing a web service in ASP.net which will call another host's web services over SSL. I have both the server & client certificates (.cer) with me. The host guys are saying to use DUAL authentication (using both certificates). The web service call is not SOAP, it is …

Member Avatar for kained

This is annoying me. I have made a simple RSS feed but i need some of the links to open in a new window But i can't find a way to do this. All i want is the same functionality you get in html when you specify target-"_blank" How is …

Member Avatar for ShailRathore
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Does anyone know a good tutorial to understand web services under Java using WSDL? Most are pretty confusing and at the end offer no source sample code to test it out. Thanks

Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi, I am trying to get data from GetListItems in chunks of 100 so that processing them can be easier. i can specify the row limit like this. <rowLimit>100</rowLimit> But how do i get the next 100 items? Is there any way to skip over the first 100 items? Vivek

Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, Which Could Service do you recommend to purchase, so I can use it to learn how it works, how to change configuration of this cloud, install php there etc.? I need this to be cheap and have an usual cloud environment, so if my client has a cloud from …

Member Avatar for Pri Bhowmik
Member Avatar for s0bigg

I am currently using a script to run RSS feeds and dump all data into a MySQL. Every time I run it, it creates a duplicate entry into a database. Is there any way, I can just program a script to only get new feeds? I have some feeds subscribed …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for arunmv

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to consume a web service running on a jasper server?.I need the ruby code for the same.Please help. Regards, Arun

Member Avatar for s0bigg

Not all online stores provide RSS feeds to all of their products, so its difficult to keep track of good deals. Do you guys know of any tool that I can use to covert a webpage into RSS feed that can pull up all elements such as title, description, picture, …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Evening...I have a number of RSS feeds that most readers can work with... [url]http://www.ourhometown.ca/rss/all/[/url] In some cases, they say it is not well formed, so I have tried to modify it. I think I am close. What am I missing? [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>OH: All Hockey …

Member Avatar for vomhaus

I have been give the task of converting soap services (soapui)to java. The conversion of the (client-side)soap services was made fairly simple with soupui. I have started to build out the framework and I read in a file for the information that I want to submit for a specific service. …

Member Avatar for Azmah

We've recently bought a TLD domain for our site. I've been going through re-linking what hasn't been re-linked by Tumblr itself. One thing I'm very weary about is altering our RSS link. Our subscribers know us by our subdomain, thirdspaceme.tumblr.com, not our new one yourthirdspace.com . We don't want to …

Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello all, So I just moved from mocahost (worst web hosting service ever) to HostSo wich I recomend as is cheap and surprisingly good :) so the question is, after I pointed my nameservers to HostSo, I get that mysite.com is live bur [url]www.mysite.com[/url] is down. Any idea on how …

Member Avatar for seonetsmartz
Member Avatar for susheelsundar

Hi Everyone, I hope i am posting this thread on a right place, My query is: I am working on SEO of my client's website, so i understood there is a new method to tell crawlers about website using rich snippets, which happens to be Schema.org. I understand the code …

Member Avatar for opjjuly

I have created my .htaccess file using notepad, its empty at the moment, im on windows. how do i upload it to my server? do i place the file inside my website directory or outside? and how do i test whether the whole process was successful or not?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for newboi

Hi guys I am trying to create multiple landing pages populated dynamically with data from a feed. My initial thought was to create a generic php page as a template that can be used to create other pages dynamically and populate them with data from a feed. For instance, the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lenyjose

Dear visitors, I found a site, they collect jobs from other jobs sites through rss feeds. How to collect records to MySQL database from rss feeds by using Php? . How to develop rss feeds by using Php and how to convert rss feeds into records of MySQL database? I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for siva28

hI..to everyone...i need help form u... I want RSS feed for gold and silver rate , weather report... or sed XML file of those feeds.. please reply

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for siva28

Can you please tell us, free gold and silver rate service provider for RSS . And also give whether casting service provider RSS feed.. need java script above mentioned or XML file.

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All My Question goes as follows. I have a DataLayer in a Form of a WCF service and it is being consumed by a Business Layer that is also in a Form of a WCF Service and it is being consumed by a Silverlight Application. Now i have …


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