Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by John A … Windows Vista licenses, people have been criticizing the numbers, and rumors have been swirling that the numbers are straight-out made… It's Time We Learned to Dismiss Apple Rumors Hardware and Software macOS by Techwriter10 … on speculating and this week was no different as rumors flew about the health of the company and new … to overwhelming demand for the product. [B]And The Rumors Keeping Coming[/B] Contradictions on top of contradictions and who…'s not saying. Much like the aforementioned MLB trade rumors leaks happen for a variety of reasons and often the… Monday Speculation: Apple and Microsoft Rumors Abound Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 I opened up Google Reader this morning and found major rumors from our favorite corporate rivals Apple and Microsoft. For Apple ….html"]It's Time we Learned to Dismiss Apple Rumors[/URL]), especially when one of them involves the Zune, …look and see what we've got. [B]The iTablet Rumors Won't Go Away [/B] This rumor has been circulating… The Apple-Verizon Negotiation Yields Interesting Rumors Hardware and Software macOS by Techwriter10 … be a huge development. In fact, we've heard persistent rumors about such a device before each of the most recent….html"]It's Time We Learned to Dismiss Apple Rumors[/URL]), but the fact is that it's hard to… Re: The Apple-Verizon Negotiation Yields Interesting Rumors Hardware and Software macOS by Techwriter10 Thank you and thanks for the link. It's an interesting post and adds credence to the rumors that they are up to something in Cupertino, but then aren't they always? iPhone price war rumors exaggerated Hardware and Software macOS by GuyClapperton … this is an American site (see the way I spelled 'rumors' up there? I'm getting the hang of this) I… Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Toulinwoek Microsoft is simply doing the exact same thing IBM did back in mid-1995 (and I am surprised and taken aback that they would stoop to this). In order to try to convince a wary public that the then-latest release of OS2 was "catching on" (or had caught on), IBM announced that over 300,000 copies of that latest version had been sold in the … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by RTC I work for a small rural ISP in Indiana, We have to deal with about 100 people per day, and about 6 of them have Vista. Even assuming that they are skewing the sample because they are having more problems than people on XP, I wouldn't find it hard to believe 3% of our customers have Vista. I know this is horribly unscientific, but if we … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jwenting Yawn. And if Microsoft had announced sales figures below expectation you'd have said they're hiding the fact that they're "forcing" people to upgrade. Just another anti-Microsoft rant from a slashdot kiddo. Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by blud You can't forget that Microsoft is counting licenses sold to companies, that probably arn't using them yet. I know quite a few companies that have over 200-300 licesenses (each) that don't even have vista installed on a single computer. Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Chaky If I was selling something, I wouldn't care less if it went into 20 mil of homes or 1 store, as long as I got paid. You can predict all you want, but the fact is that 20 mil times average of $200 poured into MS. And the global trend says that it will continue to pour in. Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Toulinwoek Ah, but Chaky, it's not necessarily about Microsoft making the money; they have a vested interest in Vista CATCHING ON. What they are saying isn't as much about making money as it is about Vista being accepted, or at least being perceived as being accepted. This is why the 20 million figure is such a problem, because they are using that number, … Re: Rumors swirling about the 20 million licenses of Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by scru But what's the whole point/issue? Why is this even relevant? Verizon-Nokia 4G Deal? Newport a "Fools" Choice Community Center by Brian.oco Rumors are rampant over a proposed Verizon-Nokia deal on a … days, unless the companies involved step in an squash the rumors. Elsewhere, is there money in Star Wars-like t-laser… If True, Apple's $800 Notebook Couldn't Come at a Better Time Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 Rumors are flying this week ahead of Apple's big Mac … Bernanke on the Recession, Dell, Tell Different Stories Community Center by Brian.oco Rumors were rampant all over Wall Street that Barack Obama trotted … Google and Verizon May be Near Deal on Net Neutrality Hardware and Software by Emily Banks Rumors surfaced today saying Verizon and Google are reportedly close to … Re: It's Time We Learned to Dismiss Apple Rumors Hardware and Software macOS by michinobu_zoned The Macs are high-priced UNIX systems, which are marketed towards "cool" people and people who don't want to do boring shit like pie-charts. But, as much as I enjoy their commercials, I have to admit that Apple is pretty annoying. Reading in my OS textbook, I read how Apple designed Mac OS-X's kernel (a mix between BSD kernel and the … Re: The Apple-Verizon Negotiation Yields Interesting Rumors Hardware and Software macOS by lilaspr Nice read: Apple building chip design capability hires its dream team : Mark Papermaster, Bob Drebin and Raja Koduri [url][/url] Re: If True, Apple's $800 Notebook Couldn't Come at a Better Time Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 Good thought, but my guess based on all the rumors is that this is going to be an entirely new … Re: If True, Apple's $800 Notebook Couldn't Come at a Better Time Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 So I once again prove the danger of blogging about rumors. There is in fact, no $800 Mac Book or even $899. It appears there will be a sub-$1000 notebook, but just so at $999, hardly what people had in mind. Still the new Mac Books do look very interesting. They're just not as cheap as rumored or hoped for. Could Apple Finally Make MobileMe Free? Hardware and Software macOS by Techwriter10 ……iPod)"]Renee Ritchie reports on TiPb[/URL] that rumors suggest that Apple could be announcing a free MobileMe…waiting to be recovered when needed. There have been rumors about some sort of cloud iTunes, although I'm… Re: How Do I Center HTML Page Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dandello …; <head> <title>Direct Selling Rumors & Gossip</title> </head>…; background-image: url(; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top…quot;background:#066082 url(; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position… Apple Rumor Mill Comes Up Empty Again Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 … would think we would have learned by now that Apple rumors are meaningless. As the buzz grows louder before each of… these events, there are rumors so convincing we think they must be a fait accompli… that was. Rumor has it (if you still believe Apple rumors) that the Touch is so devastated by this decision that… The Apple Tablet Rumor Mill Grinds Unabated Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 …, yet it doesn't. With each Apple event, the rumors are so vivid, we actually believe them. Then the announcement…from the September event, and once again the Apple Tablet rumors are heating up, downright sizzling, and we fall for them… hook, line and sinker. Perhaps sooner or later the rumors have to prove true. [B]Somewhere Out There[/B] … Re: How Do I Center HTML Page Digital Media UI / UX Design by DSLKeper …pulling left to right [url][/url] with this code: <!DOCTYPE html …> <head> <title>Direct Selling Rumors & Gossip</title> </head> &…style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(" height="1067" width="… Internet cable cut conspiracy Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight [B]Rumors and speculation about why five undersea cables to the Middle … disruptions could occur in such a short period of time, rumors and speculation have swirled across blogs, offering explanations from the… an American invasion of Iran, fueled by incorrect and unfounded rumors that the cuts had left Iran in the dark (proof… Layoffs at Microsoft After All? Apple Weathers the Storm Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco …Sony posting its first quarterly loss in 14 years and rumors running rampant that Microsoft will start laying off employees after…would be as giddy as a school girl” if the rumors about layoffs at Microsoft were true. Technology is maturing, …s stock price. Wall Street doesn’t like surprises so rumors about Jobs’ health may have held Apple’s stock … Google Tablet Rumored to Hit Shelves on Black Friday Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by Niki_Fears … quest to take over the entire (virtual) world, the latest rumors have the search giant making a major play for the… on the biggest shopping day of the entire year. If rumors are true, on the one day a year when apparently… up of what we could be seeing shortly. If the rumors are true, the release date makes great sense to anyone… How do you make a 2-tiered menu? Programming Web Development by jonsan32 …; border="0" /><span>News and Rumors</span></a> <ul> <…;<a href="">Mac Rumors</a></li> <li…