Re: What are the key features to consider when developing a shopping app? Programming Mobile Development by Intellect_1 you can create a compelling and user-friendly shopping experience that meets the needs and preferences of your customers while driving engagement, loyalty, and sales. Re: Shopping Cart - Please assist Programming Software Development by justindill … variables. Write a class representing a shopping cart: a shopping cart contains a list of line item…out.println("Please select your shopping cart: \n1)Shopping Cart 1.\n2)Shopping Cart 2"); int cartInput ….out.println("Please select your shopping cart: \n1)Shopping Cart 1.\n2)Shopping Cart 2"); cartInput = selectCart… Shopping Cart Not Working Programming Web Development by donnie_darko …(0, itemNumber) <> "" then 'Get values from shopping cart ID = ShoppingCart(PRODUCT_ID, itemNumber) Cost = ShoppingCart(PRODUCT_COST, itemNumber) OrderQuantity…") = 0 End If 'Set local array equal to session shopping cart ShoppingCart = Session("ShoppingCart") OrderID = AddOrderToOrderTable() 'Now … Shopping until the enterprise drops: the BYOD risk-reward barometer Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek …computing devices intend, on average, to spend nine hours shopping for gifts on them during the forthcoming holiday season.…t bother to verify the security settings of online shopping sites; 36% have link-clicked from social media … work email addresses for personal activities such as online shopping; 12% store work passwords on personal devices and … shopping cart Programming Web Development by praveen_dusari hi all, i am new to, i had done shopping cart in php but iam asked to do shopping cart in its urgent please help me it would be great help if any one provide me code for shopping cart or provide me free shopping download centers in thank u Shopping Cart Project with the suggestions for the customers to shop on the store Programming Web Development by Aamit Problem definition:- When the customers are shopping on the store they should get the suggestions for the shopping they are doing. e.g…. If a person is shopping for a party, he will fill a form giving the … answer yes or no in checklist he will get the shopping suggestions There is any sample code or demo available? Please… Shopping Cart Page Programming Web Development by Griffin54 …series. On my web site I want to create a shopping page where my customers can purchase my books online. …Am-EX yet). This page should include the usual online shopping info: customer's name and shipping address, total number of…ordered, etc. etc. Can anyone direct me to some online shopping cart web page templates that I can download and use… Shopping cart problem (it is not working on few computers) Programming Web Development by ymsweb …all, We are having problems in the shopping cart created. It says "Shopping cart" is empty some pc's …on some pc's it is functioning properly. The shopping cart is working from my side but from client side…;; } else { echo ""; } $i++; } header("location:shopping-cart"); ?> Re: Shopping until the enterprise drops: the BYOD risk-reward barometer Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by LastMitch …,000 in productivity as a direct result of employee online shopping habits during work time according to some 37% of those… not going to change anytime soon. Employees will keep window shopping during lunch or down time at work. 'Shopping Wizard' solved / removed Hardware and Software Information Security by panzer2004 … did it. I did it. I beat the ***ing shopping wizard / Search assistant ***ing spyware / adware loser thingy… click the three loser adware/spywares :Home Search, Shopping wizard and Search assistant (exact names youll figure out…. the 3 annoying programs "Home Search Assistant, Shopping Wizard, and Search Extender" will have dissapeared. … Re: shopping cart and payment gateway Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy … or something. Then everytime someone adds a product to the shopping cart, set up a VB or C# function to add… that specific product to the shopping cart via session variables. Then have the box, on every… for an ecommerce site. Search google for 'create shopping cart' and this should bring up a number of resources… Re: Shopping cart Programming Web Development by bantizeal Hi, I can suggest you in Website. There are some free opensource shopping cart you can read and can understand from them. Some name of shopping cart : Open Source shopping cart OS commerce, Zen cart, X-cart, Cube cart. Some professional shopping carts are also available like inspir shopping cart which is used by companies. Re: shopping cart Programming Web Development by foryounow If you just practice coding PHP shopping cart, find some ebooks to see the basic of shopping cart, it will be easy for you to start. If you want to use shopping cart for online shopping, it is better if you use opensource shopping cart. Shopping Site - Grid View to choose item, store, go back and add more Programming Software Development by lightshift …, so I click my "Continue Shopping" button and it goes back to my shopping page where I can select another… overwrites the initial session. Here is the code from my shopping page: [CODE] protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session… Shopping Basket Price not submitting Programming Web Development by simplypixie ….cart').serialize() + '&action=send', type: 'POST', success: function(html) { $('#shopping-bag p').html(html); } }); });[/CODE] My PHP (sorry it's…+=$array['item_qty']; $cost=$array['item_qty']*$array['unit_price']; $total+=$cost; } echo 'Shopping Bag<br>'.$totalItems.' Items<br />&… Re: shopping cart Programming Web Development by matale [url][/url] [url][/url] shopping website Programming Web Development by benevolent001 Hi I wanted to make a shopping website, not exactly shopping but somewhat like that. I dont know how to use … Shopping carts Programming Web Development by namit … how to start with this, want to make just an shopping cart . Want to do the following. Just there is a… or tutorial on how i can start from scratch my shopping cart? Thanks Re: Shopping carts Programming Web Development by zippee I'm running a site providing shopping cart service. Let me know if you get stuck when program your cart (but don't expect snyone to write a shopping cart program for you). Shopping cart related exception Programming Web Development by AniWeb hi all, I have a shopping cart page which shows the details that which product user … this page when I click on any button like 'Continue shopping', I got an exception given below: Exception Details: System.ArgumentException… Shopping Cart Digital Media UI / UX Design by tcepser I am designing a website for someone who wants a shopping cart. Can anyone recommend a website where I can purchase a script for these things things (shopping carts, enquiry forms, logging in, etc) and give instructions on how to add them to the website. I am using dreamweaver and have basic knowledge of HTML only :( Thanks Shopping Cart with an API? Programming Web Development by timhysniu … flexible when it comes to presentation. Can someone suggest a Shopping cart that is easy to use and is flexible? I… need to be flexible in terms of presentation. The ideal shopping cart that I have in mind is one that has… Shopping basket contents to paypal Programming Web Development by MDGM Hi all, I have a shopping basket feature on my website which saves the product's …,789'. Now in order to get each item from my shopping basket to paypal I need to write 2 hidden form… Shopping cart Programming Web Development by mirainc Hey all.. Im in desperate need to solve my shopping cart problem. Im doing it for a school project. The … their cart echo "You have no items in your shopping cart."; } function productExists($booksid) { //use sprintf to make sure… Re: Shopping cart Programming Web Development by mirainc … add to cart button, the products are added to the shopping cart. This works fine, but how can i display what… click on add to cart, it is saved to the shopping cart table. Thanks! Re: shopping cart Programming Web Development by chrishea … something online, there are all kinds of open source (free) shopping carts that you can download and use. If you use… PayPal you can even use their shopping cart. If you are doing it as a learning exercise… shopping basket Programming Web Development by izagaren123 ok i am currently having a problem with my shopping basket. it works fine when you go to a product …;Basket</h3> <br /> This is your shopping basket. It shows all the items that you have purchased… Shopping cart in JSP Programming Web Development by rahulrulez …, Servlet and SQL. My teacher has given me project on Shopping Cart using language JSP, Servlet and Database will be SQL… a thread here about it. Overall I want to make Shopping Cart using JSP, Servlet (Optional) and SQL database. If anyone… Re: Shopping cart in JSP Programming Web Development by peter_budo google => [URL=""]java servlet jsp shopping cart tutorial[/URL] Re: Shopping Site - Grid View to choose item, store, go back and add more Programming Software Development by lightshift … (moredetails.aspx), so if I was to hit the continue shopping button and choose a different item, the previous item will…