2,465 Topics

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The reason on why I am mentioning this topic is because I have noticed that many links that are listed by users here have security warnings. Despite the warnings, a study published by Carnegie Mellon mentioned that the majority of visitors ignore those warnings. So if your business site have …

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I just read on mashable that Coke is now providing their own URL shortening service so as not to lose the branding opportunity. I am sure that other big names will follow suit, especially ones with massive web-presences that cause extra-long URLS like Microsoft. But is this a fad or …

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Social Cord has devised a way to charge your followers to access premium content. As Twitter is all about lightening fast communications would you or your company start charging your followers to view premium content? Unless there is something really compelling or valuable about your content, this seems to me …

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I do believe that the recession has motivated many users to tap into online communities to network and increase their professional growth. This may be a big reason on why LinkedIn has much more momentum than a few years ago. So how do you think the recession has affected online …

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In the past and currently I have set up user groups events and roundtable meetings where a group of partners come together to discuss business with the manufacturer and offer adivce and input. These are both affective ways to get facetime with your clients and gathering business intelligence. Will the …

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I found a link to a blog for apartment rentors through linkedin. Very interesting thoughts about social media and for the most part, the first 6 are relavent to almost every other business. Check it out and share your thoughts. [url]http://blog.forrent.com/property-managers-owners/seven-deadly-sins-of-social-media[/url]

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As entrepreneurs and consultants, I do believe that blogging is a good way to increase our reputation and visibility. There are numerous plug-ins and tools to help the blogging experience and I just found out of Zemanta. Have you used Zemanta or other blogging assistance tools? What are your recommendations …

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I just read a story that the Wall Street Journal is looking into setting up a Linkedin-type social network to compete with Linkedin. They did try to set up an on-line community in 2008 but it has failed miserably. This time could be different. Their initial attempt to set-up an …

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Twitter, possibly as an acknowledgement that they have a user retention problem, recently put out a guide to using Twitter in business (link below). Has anyone read this and what is your opinion on this? [url]http://business.twitter.com/twitter101/[/url]

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Are there any industries where most if not all of social media and community building is a no-no? The big one I can think of right off the top of my head would be military contractor. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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A Forrester Research report shows that the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007, becoming more popular than instant messaging among adults. But, the report also shows that even with the growth in popularity of social networking, e-mail, online video viewing and online shopping are still more widely …

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I was just reading about a site called Muck Rack, known for aggregating tweets from jounalists, has launched a twitter press release service that offers 130 max character press releases at a cost of $1 per word with a minimum charge of $50. As most companies use press releases to …

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I just read a piece about 'Social Network Overload', where a person is on so many social networks and trying to keep up with them all that they are developing stress and anxiety issues. As companies seek to take advantage of and squeeze every possible revenue dollar out of social …

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One of my Facebook friends posted that he added himself using related tags on wefollow.com. I checked it out and it looks like a twitter directory. Perhaps this is a good new avenue for businesses and entrepreneurs to promote themselves online. What do you think?

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Both companies thinks of creating a twitter account and let users become Followers. But I read a very interesting post on Jeremiah O's (Forrester) blog on the types of corporate twitter accounts. link: [url]http://bit.ly/3fZOHt[/url] Below is an excerpt of the above mentioned blog. So what do you think? From Corporate …

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There have been discussions on this forum about guidelines for various social media options, below are links and content from three different reputable sources regarding Twitter use. Check them out and post some thoughts. UK Govt guide to Twiiter [url]http://www.scribd.com/doc/17313280/Template-Twitter-Strategy-for-Government-Departments[/url] Mashable Twitter Guide Book [url]http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/[/url] And from the Wall Street …

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Recently Twitter had to restate Twitter follower counts after purging spam accounts. As many consultants and marketing professionals use various stats to prove their value and twitter followers are one of those stats, did the sudden drop in follower counts cause you any problems with your company/client?

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For anyone who is might use TwitViewer to see who is visiting your Twitter profile. Over on Mashable they are reporting that upon entering your credentials they show you a possible list of viewer of your profile but the list is probably bogus. Here is the link to the Mashable …

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If we follow people on Twitter we will sometimes get that "Thanks for following me" message and sometimes it will say that the person is following you in return. Beyond the type of message metioned above and not including the SPAM tweets that you get sometimes, is there an etiquette …

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Pew Internet Study just released a report today stating that first the amount of people viewing online videos have doubled since 2x and also that men spend more time on YouTube than women. To see the report: [url]http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2009/13--The-Audience-for-Online-VideoSharing-Sites-Shoots-Up.aspx[/url] So knowing this insight, let say you are launching a new game …

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Is there a time when the social media activitied of the parent company would mesh with social media activities of their affiliates? I think it is a case of striking the proper balance but I could be missing something.

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Would you add Facebook Connect as an option for members to sign in and share their activity on your site to their facebook wall? Or why not? As a user, I personally opt out of Facebook connect at times and prefer to sign in as a new member. Why? Well, …

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Harris Interactive just release numbers about Twitter and Twitter users. The most startling part for me is that with monthly growth in use of 1300% and over 68 million users, 69% of the users still say they do not know enough about Twitter to form an opinion on it. If …

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I have a client who is in the travel industry and they are contemplating using paid blogs or blogvertorials to try to generate greater interest. I advised them to make sure that whoever they hired that he blogger state up front that they are being compensated for the blog. Overall, …

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Has anyone established a best practices document in terms of social media and online community marketing? I have been looking to see what is out there and there is not much. It looks like the social media world is waiting for someone to step up and present a document. Anyone …

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I found a the best practices and case studies in this site and wanted to share it to the members of this site: [url]http://business.twitter.com/twitter101[/url] What do you think?

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I recently heard about an iPhone App that is very popular in Washington DC that helps people who want to cheat on their spouses by connecting them to other potentially unfaithful people. While this particular one is disturbing, is it fair to say that their are iPhone apps that could …

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Anyone who has gone onto facebook has seen the various community games and groups that everyone is always inviting everyone they know to play or join or support. And many people do so because all of their other friends do. In the 70's there was a book called Groupthink and …

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I was looking through some old posts in one of my linkedin groups and I saw one where the question was asked as to whether or not the groups should keep accepting new members. The premise was that the group was big (10,000+ members) and they were accepting 30 new …

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Seth Godin helped popularize the crowdsorcing concept. For growing an online community, do you think crowdsorcing helps communities grow? I do think it does help but I do believe their should be designated ownership/s as well. What do you think?

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