Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by jwenting It's faster to write the code yourself than it is to fix up the junk produced by those AI "assistants". Code generators have been around for decades for specific purposes, and can work well, but these things are pretty much useless. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim A lot of editors support libraries of code snippets which are generally written and debugged by humans. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by antwanlee I'd recommend you to go with ollama: Its FOSS and easy to install: ``` curl -fsSL | sh ollama run dolphin-mixtral ``` Other than that I use chatgpt a lot for all kinds of different things, but I prefer ollama's dolphin-mixtral for coding for now. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by stevenbc I haven't used it but Microsoft has something called co-pilot which sounds pretty good. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by rproffitt The definition of what an AI Code Assistant needs to be spelled out first. However in my circles we are using various tools to increase our productivity and reduce costs. The cost reduction is that we don't outsource nearly as much as we used to. Yes, the folk that we used to call on have noticed. As to VS and .NET work, the works ran the … Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by pritaeas Well, I've just recently started using Codeium and I must say, it's a great help in simplifying/accelerating the repetitive tasks required within my/our code. Re: AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by spuriousgeek I've tried using co-pilot, codeium, claude, chatgpt and gemini. They are good for repetitive work but anything remotely complex and they are pretty terrible tbh. I find that it's quicker for me to just solve issues on my own a lot of the time than try to prompt my way through. You can very easily fall into the trap of going around in circles trying… AI Code Assistants Programming Software Development by pritaeas Anyone here that wants to share if they use AI Code Assistants professionally, which one and why? I'm looking for experiences with backend .NET development in Visual Studio to be specific. Re: VB60, Run-time error 3709 solution Programming Software Development by rproffitt …-is. We're ready to move to the latest Visual Studio but VB6, dead and we can't obtain licenses from… Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Dani … school like that. For many years, I used Zend PHP Studio as my IDE. Nowadays I use PHPStorm. Re: How do I delete duplicate photos on my Mac for free? Programming Software Development by pyeri … write your own apps and build installable APKs using Android Studio. It may not be as free as a Linux Desktop… Studio To Go -- integrated music software Community Center by kc0arf Studio To Go is a Knoppix-based Linux musical software environment … interface cards, and modems. According to the FAQ on the Studio to Go website, you can boot into the musical environment… export just fine to other devices. So, what exactly is Studio to Go? It is a collection of open-source software… Studio MX 2004 Education version for Business? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Blade10878 I just got Studio MX 2004 delivered. It says it is the education version on the box, my question is can I use it to create Web-sites, Multimedia, Graphics, ect, for business purposes, or because it is an educational version, i wont be able to use it for business? Re: Studio MX 2004 Education version for Business? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Blade10878 … anyone out there know the consequences of getting caught using Studio Mx 2004, for business web-sites, or business purposes. Finally… Re: Studio MX 2004 Education version for Business? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Zypher Sorry Blade were you talking about 3D Studio Max or Macromedia ? I am so used to working in 3D that I presumed you meant 3Dstudio Max. If its Macromedia stuff I agree with antonbomb22 leave well alone. Studio MX 2004, Which Version? Digital Media UI / UX Design by K86 Hi I want to buy Studio MX 2004 but there are lots of different versions and … Studio Fn and media control keys dont work!!!!! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by chughes I have a Dell Studio 1535 laptop. The system function key combinations and the media control keys (along top of keyboard) don't work at all. I can't control up and down volumn nor stopping of a dvd. Oddly, FN + END button combination will eject the DVD. Your help is greatly appreciated. Re: Pinnacle studio 8 question? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Thong_Ispector Studio 8 does tend to litter many files around. The temp … .vob files There are still many subfolders with snippets under Studio 8, I would suggest that you just delete the folders… Review of Python Tools for Visual Studio Programming Software Development by jeffcogswell …uninstall any previous IronPython tool you have installed into Visual Studio. Then after installation, you get a few new … final line, and pressed F5, which launches the Visual Studio debugger. Here's what I saw: [ATTACH]22156[/ATTACH…[/B] One feature I've always appreciated about Visual Studio is its Intellisense feature, where it can show you… IDF 2010: Introducing Intel Parallel Studio version 2011 Programming Software Development by jeffcogswell …tools shipping with the new 2011 version of Parallel Studio. There's an entire library available called the …phase and the Tune phase. For these phases Parallel Studio includes the Parallel Inspector tool and the Parallel Amplifier…processing to make the code even more efficient. Parallel Studio is a great tool for doing parallel development, and… Got Mono? Visual Studio Does Programming Web Development by khess …"]Novell[/URL] announces a Visual Studio plugin that allows support for non-Microsoft operating systems that…. Of course, compared to the exorbitant price of Visual Studio, that's a mere pittance. If you can afford … be sold on the SUSE Linux distribution. From Visual Studio, you create your applications as SUSE rpm packages. I… Open Source (Visual Studio 2013-2015) Programming Software Development by castajiz_2 … the news from November the 11th-"Opening up Visual Studio and .NET to Every Developer, Any Application: .NET Server …Maybe some people will disagree but I think that Visual Studio is the best IDE ever developed. I was never a…apps and more&more Developers will switch to Visual studio since there will be no license and therefore save … Re: Got Mono? Visual Studio Does Programming Web Development by jbennet …must be sold on the SUSE Linux distribution. From Visual Studio, you create your applications as SUSE rpm packages. I think… And why pay? Cant you just use mono with visual studio anyway? I mean, it does support other compilers... I …use Visual studio for C++ using the GNU Tools (MinGW/MinSys & … Re: IDF 2010: Introducing Intel Parallel Studio version 2011 Programming Software Development by jeffcogswell Hi! I did some checking around for you, and I was told that they *are* developing various aspects of Parallel Studio for Linux. I think that will include Cilk+. I'm not sure the data we should see it, but I'm thinking it'll be early 2011. Jeff Re: Application settings saved, but not viewable in visual studio Programming Software Development by djjeavons … I commit the project changes to github (using the visual studio gitignore) Yes, your settings will be persisted for both Visual… Studio and any changes you may have made. Visual Studio reads the settings from the App… of your project folder and you will see that Visual Studio reflects these changes. HTH Microsoft to enable Visual Studio on Linux and Mac OS X Programming Software Development by EddieC …[/url] that built tools to give developers access to Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server from systems running Linux, Mac OS…[/url] that Teamprise functionality will be integrated into the Visual Studio product line beginning with Visual… Application settings saved, but not viewable in visual studio Programming Software Development by humorousone …new values for properties while running the program through visual studio's debugging system. The changed properties are persistent when …code), but when I view the settings file within visual studio, they are the same as before I changed them. … commit the project changes to github (using the visual studio gitignore) Thanks for any responses.. Is Visual Studio Team Suite the preferred developer tool? Programming Software Development by mnewsome … a small IT consultancy for systems administration. We own Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite and thought it might draw independent developers… developers. Presently looking for informed opinions on whether the Visual Studio package is something developers value as multiplier of productivity. We… Visual Studio 2010 to 'abstract' parallel programming Programming Software Development by EddieC ….com/en-us/vstudio/dd582936.aspx]second beta of Visual Studio 2010[/url]. Expected in March, Redmond's next IDE will… also provides HPC support. "The great thing about Visual Studio 2010 is that we've abstracted some of the concepts… How to use C with Visual Studio Programming Software Development by adityap15 Hi, How can i use code of C with graphics of visual studio. The graphic should be of visual studio and i can write codes in C. How to do? Kindly help me.