129 Topics

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Member Avatar for YottaFlop

Hi, in a Java Applet there the keys control movement, I have a couple of questions (sorry for the disorganized nature of multi-item requests). 1.[CODE=C] if (key=KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) { x++; } [/CODE] But, as you might have guessed by this post's title, the movement delays before continuing its motion, as a …

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Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello! I started to create my own tiny 'framework' mainly built on the socket and the thread module. I haven't been doing too much thread programming before. My problem is that when I try server.waitForConnections(2), at the second connection, it says [code] Unhandled exception in thread started by Error in …

Member Avatar for rahul8590

i DO have searched the google to do multithreaded programming using c++ and found there were few like the ones supported in BOOST libraries and zthreads .. I would be glad if u guys could help me in suggesting much better ways in doing so .

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Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi there! I new learner in Python. And just couldn't get threading. I wrote this script. [CODE] import sys import MySQLdb if len(sys.argv)!=3: """the program name, mac and ip makes three""" """stop program and send error""" sys.exit("Must provide mac and ip!") mac = sys.argv[1] ip = sys.argv[2] print 'Connected to …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I have a class that in one of its methods creates a new thread that makes some http requests, serializes the results, packs them up in an event object and then it Should call broadcast an event returning its data. but I can't figure out how. the class is not …

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Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi, Why do I only see appearing a red rectangle after 1 sec with the following code, and not a blue one and after a sec a red. Just used a new forms app with a panel control added and the following code: [CODE=c#]using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace …

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Member Avatar for Clawsy

All these days I've been trying to access a Swing component (e.g.: JLabel) from a separate thread. I tried using "Thread", "Timer", "SwingWorker" but I couldn't find the solution. - Using a thread results in stack overflow. - Using a timer doesn't access the Swing component (e.g.: change the text …

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Member Avatar for JustAnotherJoe

For weeks I've been using the same code without any problems. I call SIGNAL within a thread and it's working like a charm. Then I bring the same module home to the same environment (Ubuntu Jaunty, Python 2.6) and now I'm getting this error: ValueError: signal only works in main …

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Member Avatar for somename

Hi there, i am trying to implement thread injection from my windows forms .NET project. Here is the code which works just fine from simple console app or Gtk+ gui application, but unfortunately not from .NET gui app. [CODE]#define NtCurrentThread() ((HANDLE) -2) #define NtCurrentProcess() ((HANDLE) -1) typedef DWORD (WINAPI *Rm_MessageBoxA)(HWND …


The End.