WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek …bad enough, that was quickly followed by a devastating tsunami which has literally washed away some coastal towns and …quot;]the email has a subject line of "Japan Tsunami Appeal | British Red Cross" and appears genuine[/URL…in the Philippines[/URL] (a country which was on tsunami alert after the Japan earthquake struck). Rather than being … Re: Pictures of Tsunami Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bluedos82 I have seen these pictures before. They are not of the tsunami. These pictures were purportedly taken in Thailand in December 2004, but evidently they actually date from 2002 and depict not a tsunami, but the Qian Tang Jiang River, in Hangzhou, China. This the the quote from [url]www.snopes.com[/url] Re: Creatures found at seashore from tsunami... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bluedos82 Sorry this is false. The pics are real, but they are not from the tsunami. Here is the link: [url]http://www.snopes.com/photos/tsunami/creature.asp[/url] Pictures of Tsunami Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cancer10 [B] [url]http://tutorials.fbhosting.net/tsunami/index.html[/url] It is said that some kids were … Re: Pictures of Tsunami Community Center Geeks' Lounge by alc6379 This is sickening. You can tell some of those pictures are faked. Some obviously look like they were taken in China, and some of the people are smiling. Some of these pictures may not be faked, but they're not of the tsunami. Creatures found at seashore from tsunami... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cancer10 Creatures found at seashore from tsunami... [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v319/D00ooD/black_dragonfish.jpg[/… Re: Creatures found at seashore from tsunami... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by alc6379 Can we stop with the tsunami pictures? No offense, but we get enough "real" stuff from news and other media, and it's insulting to post these links that are of the quality you'd find in Fwd:Fwd:Fwd:Fwd:Fwd:.... Emails everyone sends about. Tsunami Video Collection Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rex_b Here is a compiled list of the videos offered at many different servers for easy downloading. Please don't forget to give to charity! [color=#0000ff][url="http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7377"]Vids[/url][/color] Re: Tsunami Video Collection Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kall [QUOTE=rex_b] Please don't forget to give to charity! [/quote] And to find out how to do that, google has a link from their main page. :) Re: Tsunami Video Collection Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rex_b [QUOTE=kall]And to find out how to do that, google has a link from their main page. :)[/QUOTE] Yep! Google always being helpful! Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kidrobot strong japan, stand up! Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Zippy Cart Yeah, it's sad but true that the market is often flooded with scams immediately after any kind of disaster. It's up to goodhearted people to take the time to research who they are donating to. Really, if you're going to donate to anyone (or get important information from anyone) [I]you[/I] should go to [U]them[/U], not the other way around. Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by frogboy77 Scammers are scum, but idiots who buy into the scams are only pitiable. The road to hell is paved with..... Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng I wonder why scammers choose to scam during after a disaster happened. But after all, it pays to do some research on who you are donating to first to avoid being scam Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ [quote]Scammers are scum, but idiots who buy into the scams are only pitiable[/quote] That's a pretty harsh statement. Not computer savvy? Maybe. Idiots? Definitely not. There is a thin line between idiocy and innocence... Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng I agree with sos. The people who are being scammed should be pitied and not calling them idiots, they are devastated enough that their money was cheated, but now calling them an idiots is like rubbing salt into wound. Bad boy, frogboy77 Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek They are certainly not idiots, just caring people who want to help. Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by frogboy77 Being a caring person who wants to help does not negate being an idiot. I work very hard for my money and give regularly to a number of charities, but i try to do as much research into how much of my money will make it to the people i am trying to help before i donate. Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ [quote]Being a caring person who wants to help does not negate being an idiot.[/quote] Non sequitur; idiocy and caring nature are two orthogonal things. [quote]I work very hard for my money and give regularly to a number of charities, but i try to do as much research into how much of my money will make it to the people i am trying to help before i… Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Sadun89 stand up [B]little ants[/B]....you are the very quick people those who show your man-power You can rebuild as more than last.... kind people until living the world around... [B]you are not alone.[/B]. their hands always with innocent happy because of help 2 you..... Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng Most of them are cheated as they did not research to who they are donating. Does anyone wants to have a donation drive and donate to the survivors in japan Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ I'm pretty sure many people have already done this. But in case there are some who still want to donate but are not sure which avenue to choose, I'd recommend the [URL="http://www.google.com/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html"]disaster help page hosted by Google[/URL]. That way you can directly donate to the Japan Red Cross and be sure … Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng Thanks for te link sos. But are you going to donate to the Japan Red Cross Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ~s.o.s~ Yes, I already have, from the same page. Also, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/community-center/geeks-lounge/threads/354411"]I've created a thread[/URL] along the same lines to guide people in case they are interested in helping out. I would be nice if you could donate (any amount would help) and help spread the word by posting in that … Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng Ok, i have already donate around $ 100. Even though it is a small amount, it is the heart that counts. I have already posted in your thread. Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by DarrylNeiman I hope that i can contribute to this post..as i can see here great fears had been bagged down japan for a while they been affected by these natural disaster that hit their country. Big crisis had been totally risen up. But as we all know that japan is a strong country they cannot be put down by a single shot. life is like a music that each lyrics … Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by royng Welcome to daniweb darrylneiman, just to give you a warm welcome. You might want to help by donating money are items to the red cross. Anytime it may happen to us so we have to sympathise the japanese and not take this advantage and mock them of their ill luck Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by HjFritz It is shocking what scammers do. But always be weary of who you trust, there is a saying, don't part easily with your money. Meaning do research and yes listen to your instincts, or sixth sense. It is almost always if not always right. Do not be naive. It still shocks me to see how trusting people can be. But to call them idiots, OUCH Re: WARNING: Sick scammers cashing in on Japan earthquake, tsunami and radiation fears Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Alekjenderbo Being a friendly person who wants to help does not deny being an idiot. I work very hard for my money and give regularly to a number of charities, but I try to do as much research on how much of my money will go to the people I try help before paying. Re: Pictures of Tsunami Community Center Geeks' Lounge by DarlaC Scary pictures ... but somehow also amazing! No fireworks after this on new years eve. We donated the money instead...