uploading web file outside doc-root issues Programming Web Development by mutago uploading web file outside doc-root issues I uploaded my file … uploading Programming Software Development by csss Hi, I want to connect the webservices with application for uploading the file using c#. Please can anyone help me. uploading to web server Programming Web Development by xuexue …, $filePath); if (!$result) { echo "<script>alert('Error Uploading File!')</script>"; exit; } if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $phName = …quot;) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<script>alert('Uploading of file successful')</script>"; } else if ($resultRow1… uploading files in JSP Programming Web Development by shalabhgarg hiii can u please help me in uploading files in JSP??? I have a code but it can … files(only few bytes or kb) , please help me in uploading large files.I tried to upload a large file but…;<br>**************************"); } else { out.println("Error in uploading "); } %>[/code] Uploading file by User Id in mysql? Programming Web Development by Sorcher … data in a mysql table only for the current user uploading, i dont want every file to be stuck at one… table regardless which user is uploading. I hope i make myself clear. Lets say you had…> </html>[/CODE] [B]I want the user uploading the file, to upload it with his own "id… uploading pictures to a form in php Programming Web Development by ray100 …what I need to do: Create a Web Form for uploading pictures for a high school reunion. The form should …picture! * My problem is that it is having a problem uploading a picture and showing it! * How do I fix the… issue with uploading a picture and then showing it! <?php if (empty… Uploading multiple images in codeigniter?? Programming Web Development by anmol.raghuvanshi1 … show image in view but now i have problem in uploading multiple images. <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('…")); } } } //class ends ?> Above code is working for uploading single image and saving name of image in database and… Re: uploading to web server Programming Web Development by codejoust Try uploading a simple text file, or using another protocol. Usually, there isn't a problem with the script but with the method you are uploading it. You also may wish to contact who runs the server. Uploading file on server side Programming Web Development by sonu1 [COLOR=red]Hi frins[/COLOR]...i have done file uploading on client side but can any one just help me out with [COLOR=red]uploading file on server side[/COLOR]......[COLOR=red]Please [/COLOR]my deadline for project submission is approaching....I dont want it done using applet. uploading wont work Programming Web Development by szita1 … itself in pdf. It works fine except for uploading the pdf. Interestingly enough uploading works fine when it runs on localhost, but… Re: uploading to web server Programming Web Development by slyme … "upload". Or are you working on one server, uploading to another? That's above my pay grade but if… Re: uploading to web server Programming Web Development by codejoust … been uploaded"; } else{ echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"; } [/CODE] It looks like… Uploading Files to a database Programming Web Development by fawkman … an open source upload class. Currently I have the code uploading the file to an images folder on the web server… the mdeia table. Do I need to have the files uploading to an images file, or can I just insert them… Uploading images, Setting variable as drop down item, Checking field for empty Programming Web Development by gymangel812 … echo '<html> <head> <title>Uploading...</title> </head> <body> <…;h3>Uploading file...</h3>'; if ($_FILES['filename']['error'] > 0… Uploading problem Programming Web Development by altaf123456 dear i am fasing problem in uploading files,uploading file is properly working in local host but when i … Uploading pdf, problems with php Programming Web Development by k90tour2 … VPS Server running Apache 2. Each website has been successfully uploading files until now. None of them can upload a pdf…, such as jpeg. If I examine the $_FILES array, when uploading a jpg, the [type] is shown as 'image/jpeg' which… uploading images ignores error message that I put and giving a notes Programming Web Development by johnef_sh …uploaded successfully."; }else{ $result="Error uploading $file. Please try again."; } break;… 7: case 8: $result = "Error uploading $file. Please try again."; break; case 4… Uploading images & sending the name to the database Programming Web Development by luke.belleghem …."; } else { $result = "Error uploading $file. Please try again."; } break; case…: case 8: $result = "Error uploading $file. Please try again."; break; … Uploading image in form Programming Web Development by imti321 …display that back into the form where from i am uploading it.I get this error PHP Warning: mysql_insert_id() expects…;INSERT INTO fgusers4 VALUES ('','$image_name','$image')")) echo "Problem Uploading Image."; else { $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); echo "Image Uploaded… Uploading links!! Programming Software Development by altjen … way how to make a software on vb which after uploading a pic into the software or clicking a button. it… want to slow my database down at db4free.net by uploading pictures in it. so I want to make a code… Re: Uploading files to mysql Programming Web Development by sam1 I got the answer to second question basically i will pass the id of textbox to insert. but how would i actually write the url dynamically upon uploading, to database. say i am uploading into a folder called 'album1' 5 mp3s. now how would i insert in database album1/mp3.mp3, without hardcoding it like $path = "album1"; Re: Uploading files to mysql Programming Web Development by nav33n … would i actually write the url dynamically upon uploading, to database. say i am uploading into a folder called 'album1' 5 mp3s… Re: Uploading pdf, problems with php Programming Web Development by k90tour2 My wife's Macbook Pro doesn't have a problem uploading pdfs and the $_FILES array [type] shows these as pdfs whereas my PC shows them as ldt, and won't upload. Re: Uploading image in form Programming Web Development by imti321 …;INSERT INTO fgusers4 VALUES ('','$image_name','$image')")) echo "Problem Uploading Image."; else { $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); echo "Image Uploaded.<… Re: Uploading image in form Programming Web Development by Zagga … '','$image_name','$image'"); $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); if (!$insert){ echo "Problem Uploading Image."; } else { echo "Image Uploaded.<p >… Re: Uploading image in form Programming Web Development by imti321 …:12 3 1.0147 152368 mysql_fetch_assoc ( ) ..\get.php:8 Problem Uploading Image. uploading .txt file via phpmyadmin to Mysql Programming Databases by bufhal I am having difficulty uploading text files to mysql database through phpmyadmin. Here is the … Uploading files using HTTP/X and CGI Programming Software Development by Mohit Singh Hi, I am uploading files to a server using HttpXCtl1.Request.PrepareFileUpload "nameoffile&… uploading image in database Programming Web Development by sunil kumar bob I am new to PHP and don't know how to upload a picture in database and after uploading how to display it. Plz help me if u know. Uploading Folder to FTP Server Programming Software Development by ocw hihi.. how can i upload a folder to the FTP Server instead of uploading file by file. ??? ocw