Re: HTML Navigation Menu Alignment Issue Programming Web Development by Dani Can you include the CSS you're using for this? HTML Navigation Menu Alignment Issue Programming Web Development by khan zain …;UTF-8""> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale… HTML Image Embedding Issue Programming Web Development by khan zain …;UTF-8""> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale… Re: HTML Image Embedding Issue Programming Web Development by Steve_89 It seems like the issue might be with the path to the image. Here are a few things to check: 1. **Relative Path**: Ensure that the path to your image is relative to the location of your HTML file. If your HTML file and the "images" folder are in the same directory, your current path should work. 2. **File Extension**: Make sure the … Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by bigignoramus …,the foregoing requirements become the following. 1. Detect viewport width LIVE in javascript; thus, if a viewer diminishes…be made. 6. Whenever the viewer changes the viewport according to the above breakpoints, the PHP include will…says something nice and gives the dimensions of the viewport live. If that works, then the frindly message … Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by bigignoramus … enable consistency of changing content on the resizing of the viewport. Following the philosophy of straight HTML here, and so no… Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by bigignoramus … devise something as simple as a detection of width of viewport followed by a simple conditional statement based on that width… Re: <div> to auto adjust to viewport Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic …A height of 100% on the outermost container takes the viewport size in some browsers, but takes the document size in… browsers. The Internet is not designed to deliver a viewport-sized web page. It is designed to start at …consider is that viewports have all sizes and shapes. The viewport depends on the screen resolution, the screen aspect ratio, … <TR> takes viewport size in IE6,7. Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dat0 … table inside a div with height=100%(viewport). The also table has height=100%(viewport). However, I want one row to have…;[/CODE] The problem is that the second tr also takes viewport (100%) size. Thus I have a table that has a… height of is 10px + viewport size. This is not what I want. Internet explorer seems… Re: <TR> takes viewport size in IE6,7. Digital Media UI / UX Design by carmen007 … table inside a div with height=100%(viewport). The also table has height=100%(viewport). However, I want one row to have…;[/CODE] The problem is that the second tr also takes viewport (100%) size. Thus I have a table that has a… height of is 10px + viewport size. This is not what I want. Internet explorer seems… Re: <TR> takes viewport size in IE6,7. Digital Media UI / UX Design by Troy III … table inside a div with height=100%(viewport). The also table has height=100%(viewport). However, I want one row to have…;[/CODE] The problem is that the second tr also takes viewport (100%) size. Thus I have a table that has a… height of is 10px + viewport size. This is not what I want. Internet explorer seems… <div> to auto adjust to viewport Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dat0 … want my 3 div boxes, added together, to fill the viewport size. Two of the div boxes (#top and #bottom) have… so that the sum of the three divs = viewport size. #divtop + #divbody + #divbottom = viewport. [CODE]<style> html, body{height:100… height so that the three div boxes, together, takes up viewport height. Thank you. Re: Use Google Analytics to track browser viewport size Programming Web Development by Dani … viewport_width = $(window).width(); var viewport_height = $(window).height(); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Viewport Dimensions', 'Viewport Width', viewport_width + 'x' + viewport_height, viewport_width, true]); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent… Horizontal div and vertical div (height 100%) exceeding viewport Digital Media UI / UX Design by Altairzq …;), wich is set at height 100%, is longer than the viewport, making the scroll bar to appear. This does not happen… exist (it adds the "menu" height to the viewport height, I guess). Is there a way to have the… vertical div to expand to the bottom of the viewport only? So there is no vertical scroll? Use Google Analytics to track browser viewport size Programming Web Development by Dani …quot;text/javascript"> <!-- $(function() { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Viewport Width', $(window).width(), $(window).width() + 'x' + $(window).height(), …0, true]); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Viewport Height', $(window).height(), $(window).width() + 'x' + $(window).height(), 0,… Re: <TR> takes viewport size in IE6,7. Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic … another box object. Some browsers use the height of the viewport, others use the size of the document. My advice is… Re: Horizontal div and vertical div (height 100%) exceeding viewport Digital Media UI / UX Design by Altairzq …" to be 100% height also, it exceeds again the viewport height, because of the "menu" div. If I… Elements pushed out of the viewport. Digital Media UI / UX Design by JCarlson … this iframe the both bars aren't counting to the viewport. Aren't they? The next thing is, that I got… pushes the one with the fixed size out of the viewport. Isn't there a way to tell this element it… ScrollPane viewport problems Programming Software Development by SasseMan …. I want the contents of the ScrollPane/ViewPort to never exceed the width of the viewport. The problem I'm having is… Re: ScrollPane viewport problems Programming Software Development by mKorbel …) I want the contents of the ScrollPane/ViewPort to never exceed the width of the viewport. basically that's contraproductive in contex… Re: ScrollPane viewport problems Programming Software Development by SasseMan … of a label is never gonna get wider than the viewport, if it does, we'll burn that bridge when we… where set to fill hor. and ver. and the scrollpane/viewport had no preferred size or max size set. What happened… Re: Use Google Analytics to track browser viewport size Programming Web Development by pritaeas Not sure if it helps, [this]( one has the parameters in a different order. Auto Zoom on viewport Programming Game Development by akssps011 Hi I have a graph and I simulate an object moving on it as a gps device with varying velocity. What is the best way to implement auto zoom feature in it so that the object always remains on the viewport. how to divide opengl viewport into two parts? Programming Software Development by jaai can anyone help me in dividing the opengl viewport into two equal parts so that i display my primitives in the left and black out the right side part... Moving around a ViewPort using the Arrow Keys Digital Media UI / UX Design by Octet … interactive, and I was thinking that I could use a viewport to only display a certain amount of the map and… Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by hericles This sounds like you've made it overly complicated. Why are you trying to serve differing PHP pages when, if I'm reading this right, all you really need to do is return content from the server? You could design your page to have the elements you need for the various screen sizes, if that varies at all, and on a screen resize, detect the size, make … Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by gentlemedia For (multiple) media queries in javascript look into window.matchMedia() Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by bigignoramus Many thanks for both of your kind replies and the speed with which you made them! yes The issue of the php is that I should like to have the apparatus for resizing active before I call a normal dynamic php site. The "includes" part was, I apologise, a tying of the tongue; what I meant was that, when the resizing be settled, the next step … Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by gentlemedia That LA times site is indeed horrendous. It's a good example of a bad implementation of Responsive Web Design. Not to talk about a Google PageSpeed test. But... it's a massive site of course with lots of dynamic content and is not an easy task to give it a smooth RWD experience, but it's doable if you look at the Boston Globe site. What you want … Re: Detect Viewport Width Live in Javascript Pass Result to Ajax Call PHP Page Programming Web Development by gentlemedia Changing, or serving, different content for different screen/device resolutions has never been a good content strategy. Users expect the same content on all their devices. Just prioritize it good! The only things that should differ is the user experience and usability. For example if you get really long pages on small devices, consider to convert …