76 Topics

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Member Avatar for kothaisaravan

Hi, My Application was developed using c#.NET with java web services to connect to oracle database. It is working fine with my windows XP machine, but when i deployed the same app in another win7 machine by just cpoying the release folder with dll and exe files and launched the …

Member Avatar for kothaisaravan
Member Avatar for manaila

Hi, I am having the C application which I want to access a remote Java Web Service; I have looked for open source SOAP libraries for C and found [CSOAP](http://csoap.sourceforge.net/). However, I am having the following questions/problems with it: 1) Is it possible to access Java Web Services using CSOAP? …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi guys, i am currently building a nice website and i was just wondering about the best way to handle errors, database and webservices errors. i was thinking on implementing a mixture of file and db logging. so basically i would log to db all the time and then i …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi! Ok. So I've got this problem. I have a reference to a WebService that provides a whole bunch of classes representing a table in a database. Now, it's a simple thing to retrieve a list of all those classes and store them for future use. What I would like …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for youvi

See am doing an android application,it has a web back end,am using wordpress,but how can i code web services in wordpress?suppose i need to fetch some contents from database and pass it as json to android phones.So where should i place the php script or how can i do this?Is …

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for irwallace

Hi Guys, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I have a nusoap server that I am trying to pass an array of data to. For now I just want to simply pass this array back, before handling this data, mainly to help my learning process. …

Member Avatar for selman555

Hi all, I have question about sessions in web services (VB). I created a function that allows me to login to my web service. I created a session here and added some values I retrieved from a stored procedure. The code will explain more :) [code=vb] <WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> _ Public Function …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for itsvineethpv

How To Run all the methods of a web form application in web service. I Have a webproject (made with web forms) . i want to run the project with a Web service. Is it Possible ? please give the steps . Thanks.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for bill_kearns

I'm using C# in VS2010 and I need some help with a web application. I don't have much experience with web services. I was given the url to a webservice containing methods required to build the login part of the application. No documentation. I have the login piece working though. …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for kris-kz

So having a function code in JSP, example is this one: [CODE] function isitinstalled() { try { var myObj = new activity1(plugin.activity); if (myObj) { return "activity123"; } } catch(e) { if (navigator.plugins[plugin.namename]) { return "me"; } else { return false; } } return false; }[/CODE] How do I translate …

Member Avatar for kris-kz
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi, I am trying to get data from GetListItems in chunks of 100 so that processing them can be easier. i can specify the row limit like this. <rowLimit>100</rowLimit> But how do i get the next 100 items? Is there any way to skip over the first 100 items? Vivek

Member Avatar for Trn32

Hi All, Kindly note that I'm new to this forum. Hope that you can help me. I have a VB.Net application that must connect to online MySql database. I already have a MySql database and I connected to it from VB.net using the MySql connector (new instance and direct connect). …

Member Avatar for phoenix911

Hi, I have a WCF Webservice, and I have an asp.net application that uses this web service. I Have them both running on the same machine, but get a time out. Is there something I have to specify myself in the web.config? I am fairly new in WCF, as this …

Member Avatar for phoenix911
Member Avatar for keithxm23

Hi.. I'm new to AJAX and I'm attempting to use this webservice ( [url]www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?op=ConversionRate[/url] ) in my html page. Now I've managed to make a form and stuff to correctly call the webservice, but then, I do not want the answer to be displayed as just the output xml data. …

Member Avatar for StudentCS

im stuck in this terrible problem, I have a SOAP based webservice implemented in Java.The client besides other data is supposed to have "male" and "female" checkboxes so the user can either select one of them or both and the client is supposed to send it to the server to …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for malikmm

Hi, Firstly, I must apologise as I am a novice and my approach may be flawed. I am using MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express on a Windows 7 Enterprise platform. What I want to do is add a provided 3rd party wsdl file to a C# ASP.NET MVC Web …

Member Avatar for malikmm
Member Avatar for divin757

I am having trouble debugging in sharepoint. It is acting like I am debugging a different dll than the one I made code for. When stepping through it will skip lines occasionally and randomly just stop debugging. Often it will start debugging then stop randomly and show any new breakpoints …

Member Avatar for divin757
Member Avatar for divin757

When I try to navigate to the service it shows me the methods like normal but when I try to see the wsdl I get a file not found error. I have created both the wsdl.aspx and the disco.aspx. They have been deployed into _vti_bin folder. I was able to …

Member Avatar for divin757
Member Avatar for SaNa IT

hello everybody .. I'm developing a small business application (accounting , invoices , sales , prouducts .. etc) .. using C# language and a MS Access database to store data , my question is : how can I connect two computers using this appilcation to have access to the same …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Stepan_P

Hi. When I try to execute code below I got an error 'Internal error occurred.' [COLOR="Red"]certificate = new X509Certificate2( p12FileBytes, p12FilePassword [/COLOR]); and when I made change to [COLOR="Red"] certificate = new X509Certificate2( p12FileBytes, p12FilePassword,X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet );[/COLOR] I got another error [B]'Access Denied.'[/B] How can I fix it? In advance THANKS …

Member Avatar for benqus

Hello Everybody, I thought it'd be a great idea to share my code with people who s*ck with the same problem, maybe it'll help... :) It still needs security improovements, but since I'm not a Java guru, I'm a little slow with the solution... :) Any help would be appreciated! …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for maac2002

Hi, I'm novice by complete to webservices et al. I've created successfully a webservice and referenced it in a console application. By simplification let assume that the webservice contains a webmethod, the 'classic' CelsiusToFarenheit (string Celsius). Once referenced i can see my new namespace ServiceReference1 with the following classes inside: …

Member Avatar for maac2002
Member Avatar for haribo83

I need to create an apache web server that can run Zend Optimizer 2.1.0 or higher. I have looked into a number of wamp products such as wampserver and xampp but as far as I can see neither of these are suitable for live sites. I did look at uniform …

Member Avatar for Chanpan
Member Avatar for newuser17

I want to store data that user inputs [form based in form of xml] into a postgres database, so I would like to know is it wise to develop a web service or how do I transfer data. I am completely clueless how to head on with the problem

Member Avatar for tcon

can anyone find out what d hell is wrong with the last line of this code (c#.net): [CODE] cws = new CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference_Service(); cws.UseDefaultCredentials = true; cwr = new CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference(); List<CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference_Filter> filterArray = new List<CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference_Filter>(); CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference_Filter nameFilter = new CustomerCardService.CustomerCardWebReference_Filter(); filterArray.Add(nameFilter); Customer[] custList = cws.ReadMultiple(filterArray.ToArray(), null, 100); [/CODE] here is the …

Member Avatar for tcon
Member Avatar for router.exe

I have a web app that when run locally runs as intended. Once published to my server it does not. The issue is related to sql's integrated security. The webservice/sql call is using "domain/machinename" as the login, instead of my active directory credentials. There is no sql security login for …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for David_B

Hi All, New here and very new to .Net. I am currently trying to learn about consuming web services within .net and am having trouble with the following example. I have the WSDL file to contact a vehicle look up web service which based on the selection in a drop …

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for eantz

Hi everyone, I have a project that need an API but still in progress. But, I have a problem with this API authentication. The authentication method I want to use is oAuth. But, unfortunately I don't have any acknowledgement about authentication. I've read many tutorial but I still don't know …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for mulevad

Hello, I am trying to send a text message to my phone in C#. I have added a Web Service Reference to my solution. It is described as: vijju311985 RPC SMS Services You Can Send Sms for free The WSDL is at: [url]http://www.aswinanand.com/sendsms.php?wsdl[/url] I created an account on xmethods.net and …


The End.