145 Topics

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Member Avatar for snehil_khanor

hi, I'm working on a an app that uses access database so.. while making the setup file i added the file in the application folder along with the .exe file that uses it.. but after installation the .exe file is not able to alter the database as the user is …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for tKc

I am required to make a code that makes a pyramid with number of input lines "n" to a text file. What i figured i would do i make the program so that it makes a pyramid on the screen and then write it to a text file. This is …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for jlego

I am going to try to explain this the best I can I didn't develop the original version of this, or the part that rights it to the database. in our company, there is a program that takes PDF files and stores them in our mysql database as blobs. The …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for cwestern

Hello, I am new to vbs and I am trying to copy 'multiple folders' out of a folder called 'voice profiles' into the 'my documents' folder. I've tried this script I wrote and haven't got the results I've wanted. dim filesys, tempFile, readFile, fileText, fileVer On Error Resume Next '' …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi everyone I have a project that I have created in Netbeans. I would like to deploy it as a JAR file, so i have "build"'ed it and I have a jar which runs nicely in the /dist folder. Problem is, the program in question requires reading from and writing …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for applepomme

for (i=0, i<imax, i++) { // ... Array< complex<float>, 3 > matrix(x,y,z); // x,y,z are large and vary in each loop // ... // matrix <=== values for each element assigned // ... // now want to write "matrix" in a single binary file. // later, this matrix can be …

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for applepomme

I used this to write the matrix into a file: int Nx, Ny, Nz; Array <complex<float>, 3> matrix(Nx, Ny, Nz, ColumnMajorArray<3>()); ...get matrix data... fstream outbin(outname.c_str(),ios::out|ios::binary); outbin.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(matrix.data()),sizeof(complex<float>)*Nx*Ny*Nz); outbin.close(); Then, I used this to read this matrix, works fine, values and orders are correct too: Array <complex<float>, 3> matrixb(Nx, Ny, …

Member Avatar for SSSD

Hello, recently i found one of my old USB devices but when i plugged it in and tried to delete a file it told me it was write protected. Now i have decided to format it but it doesnt let me because it is write protected. It doesnt have a …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for revsin

I'm a noob, there got that outta the way. Wrote this to serve as a very basic inventory control for our store's iPad inventory. Lets junior employees count our inventory, and then appends the count in a text file. 99% there for what I want, but having trouble getting it …

Member Avatar for revsin
Member Avatar for slfisher

I write like Dan Brown. At least, that's according to the I Write Like [URL="http://iwl.me/"]site[/URL], which was sweeping the Intertubes yesterday (more than 100,000 [URL="http://www.codingrobots.com/blog/2010/07/14/100000-in-one-day/"]hits [/URL]in a single day) as people tried to find out which Famous Writer their deathless prose most resembled. (Brown is the critically slammed author of[I] …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for Huntondoom

hey, I have tried many methods to save my datagridview contents to a file but with no luck does anybody have a good method for xml to datagridview, datagridview to Xml, or any other methods to read/write a datagridview

Member Avatar for ÃœnLoCo
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I am trying to write elements from a list that I have created to an outfile using a for-loop with this code: [CODE]for j in range(int(Allele[i])): outfile.write(' allelelocus[j] * ')[/CODE] However when I do this I just get a whole bunch of allelelocus[j] in my out file. I was …

Member Avatar for echellwig
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

Hi, I am beginner in PHP and MYSQL ... Before using mysql i have created database in text files.. Now I have to convert it into the table of mysql database.. The things i want to do is .. first open the specific folder and into that open the sub …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

Hi, I am beginner in PHP and MYSQL ... Before using mysql i have created database in text files.. Now I have to convert it into the table of mysql database.. The things i want to do is .. first open the specific folder and into that open the sub …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for jaaaelpumuki

i everyone, I'm trying to send data to arduino(serial) from assembler (8086 -windows). I can read data but write doesn't work. I always receive 80H in AX, this is the code: [code]send proc MOV AH,00 ; init port MOV AL,11101011b ; 9600, N,1 bit stop, 8 bit data MOV DX,00 …

Member Avatar for DayneD89

OK, I'm new to python. I'm writing data to a file, but it won't write that data to a new line. I'm ending up with a single line file that reads as [QUOTE]2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n2.0/n3.0/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[2.0, 2.0]/n[3.0, 3.0]/n[/QUOTE] When …

Member Avatar for DayneD89
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

A most basic TCT connection is established with the code below: [CODE]// Initialization IPEndPoint m_IpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5000); Socket m_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); NetworkStream m_Stream = new NetworkStream(m_Socket); // Read/write operations m_Stream.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello world!"), 0, 12); byte[] read_buffer = new byte[4096]; m_Stream.Read(read_buffer, 0, 4096); // Closing open resources …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I could use some help. I have a function that opens an Excel spreadsheet to load data from it. The function is found inside <head> </head> and within that inside <script></script> (see below). The problem is that I need to write that data inside the row of a table in …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for bill_

I am trying to read and write a text file into an array and then store it back into the text file. The main problem i am having is the storing the file character by character into the 3D array. Here is my code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using …

Member Avatar for bill_
Member Avatar for hgill006

Im brand new to C++ & Im having trouble with this program im writing i got all the way to the end of it working im just having problems using the setw function in reading and outputting from a file. I have my code attatched for what mine looks like, …

Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Could someone please tell me how to read from a CSV file? Also, how to update (write) to a CSV file? Thanks, -Ashton.

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for figved

I have written a script for scraping a web site, and it works fine. What does not work fine, is when I try to use the write function, to write the results to a txt-file. I am trying to run this: import BeautifulSoup, urllib2, re, time import codecs path='C:/Users/Me/Documents/Python' outfile=open(r'C:/Users/Steinar/Documents/Python/Vegvesen/vegresultat.txt', …

Member Avatar for pythopian
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Okay, Folks, we all know that writing online has disrupted the writing styles that our grammar school teachers have taught us. All I know it not to type in caps since it is yelling. Other than that - almost anything goes. So what do you think about this? I thought …

Member Avatar for Alexia Noir

hi there. say i have a text file. in this text file is all the information i need for my output. the problem is, probably because i'm still very new at this, i don't know how to read this particular text file and output it onto the screen. suppose i …

Member Avatar for Alexia Noir
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The End.