XSLT Digital Media UI / UX Design by syd919 xslt Hello guys, I hope everyone is well. I didnt know … format. Its not returning the format I want Heres my xslt <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl… XSLT XML to XML Programming Software Development by sridharsapxi … integration project where we have XML to XML conversion using XSLT There is one line of code which I am not… XSLT Help Programming Software Development by Tamir09 … hpe7 hpe8 hpe9 And so far, Ive gotten the xslt form to come out somewhat similarly to that table,…I cant figure out what. Heres the code for the xslt form: [code=xml] <xsl:stylesheet version="…is actually looking like when the xml combines with the xslt form. [URL="http://www.geocities.com/battlemechtech/… Re: xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by Mike Askew … runs cleanly for me in VS2010 XSLT debugging. However, you are using XSLT like it is a programatical language which it is… style, as there was no need for the `for-each`. #XSLT <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org… something else in the Java code and not the actual XSLT. Hope that helps. Re: xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by lokesh.r.kandula … you to please throw some light on the xslt template instantiation procedure. So far, I was …the given input xml, if I write an XSLT template match='FieldPairs', the processor keeps on scanning…> </FieldMatcherResultElements> </FieldMatcherResult> XSLT: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3… XSLT Help Programming Software Development by sajohnson05 …="1.0"?> <!-- coursinfo.xml, uses three XSLT stlyesheets to create the desired view of the data ITEC…; </majors> </course> </itec>[/code] XSLT Code [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?>… Re: XSLT Help Programming Software Development by iceandrews This is actually a really complicated grouping problem. (Google: xslt 1.0 manchurian grouping ) There is no simple solution to …get what you want (especially in XSLT 1.0). Question: Is the list of Majors/Areas of… XSLT Programming Software Development by arajpurohit Hi, I am a novice in XSLT. Just started reading about it today and came across few …of the tags. Can you help in creating the XSLT for the following transformation.. [CODE] <A> <B… xslt help Programming Software Development by akamathb … have requirement to convert a xml to anaother xml using xslt: For each property != empty condition exists for property==empty take… xslt for-each help Programming Software Development by lokesh.r.kandula … the below shown input.xml into result.xml and the XSLT which I am trying with is shown at the end… working............simply throwing java.util.EmptyStackException(I am using the XSLT inside a java based application).....Can anybody help me where… Re: XSLT Help Programming Software Development by sajohnson05 … CSAT – None ISAS - Web CSAT – CS,DB,SE ISAS - None XSLT Code [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?>… Re: XSLT Programming Software Development by iceandrews …; <B> </B> </A>[/CODE] XSLT [CODE]<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns… xslt Programming Software Development by bandar_1 Hi Yall, could anyone help me to make xslt transformation of the the **following xml input** <?xml version=&… XSLT Ignoring HTML Div Tags Programming Software Development by Tsakaki …. The problem I am having is that while the <xslt:apply-templates /> tag is withing the <div id…;/book> </bookshelf> [/CODE] [B]The 3 Column XSLT:[/B] [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding…:stylesheet>[/CODE] Is there a way to get the XSLT to acknowledge ALL divisions? Or is trying to make an… XSLT problem Programming Software Development by prashantc13 … help me with the following problem, here is inputxml, xslt i'm using and expected output . actually i know it… is because of unique generateid not getting generated this xslt failing to generate desired output but i don't …item> </item> </item> [/CODE] XSLT: [CODE=XSLT] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO… XSLT to XML transformation Programming Software Development by vho123 My task is to create a translation.xslt file that will use the wordlist.xml as input to …> there are when someone searches a word. [B]---translation.xslt document----[/B] [code] <?xml version="1.0"… Re: XSLT to XML transformation Programming Software Development by Intekhab_Sheikh … is the solution of your problem: (I just tweak you xslt) But one condition that the xml node hierarchy should be…/XSL/Transform" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl"> <xsl… XSLT and mixed elements Programming Software Development by swebb Hi all, I've just started to learn XSLT, so apologies if this question is very basic! I want …;/p> </transcription> </abstract> [/code] [code=xslt] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF… XSLT with 3 xml file Programming Software Development by perlnoob … can I connect each different 3 XML file in one XSLT..because some xml file needed is in the other xml… to do a roadmap file and dtd to proceed in XSLT? Second XML file [CODE] <data> <subject dc… Re: XSLT with 3 xml file Programming Software Development by perlnoob question what xmlns:lnv="http://my.de/lnv" means ?I know inside the "" is a namespace but what is the purpose and what is xmlns:lnv? and the like of xmlns:lnvni, xmlns:lnlit, xmlns:lnclx, xmlns:lncle,xmlns:lndocmeta and can you recommend a books or site about xml and xslt...and editor to make xslt..thank you very much. Xslt attribute Programming Software Development by jeraldmuthu Hi i'm new to xslt the below code for getting chart in pdf after clicking … know how to fix it. this are in the same xslt How to fix it plz help me [CODE] <fo… xslt need help with transformation -- select node from repeating XML elements Programming Software Development by lolain I am new to XSLT and am trying to solve the following transformation. I have … number of 'Group's I am trying to apply an XSLT to find a 'Group' where 'GroupSelector' value is 20 and… XSLT for XML to JSON Programming Software Development by manus26 Need an xslt to convert xml into json. I have a xml file … the 3rd attribute is another xml file. I need an xslt which can read the value of the 3rd attribute as… Re: XSLT with 3 xml file Programming Software Development by xml_looser You are using an add-xsl package This is in imported xslt and a namespace defined such exsl [URL="http://www.exslt.org/howto.html"]http://www.exslt.org/howto.html[/URL] this also means that is only with the parser to load the package that has nothing but no effect for three xml file Re: XSLT with 3 xml file Programming Software Development by perlnoob …;/identifier> </metadata> </article> [/CODE] THE XSLT [CODE]<xsl:template match="article"> <… Re: XSLT for XML to JSON Programming Software Development by Mike Askew Can you make it more clear the format of the input, and the **exact** format of the output, and something can be looked into. A JSON format currently means nothing to me but doesnt mean XSLT cant be made :) XSLT : Find the maximum column in a table Programming Software Development by k_manimuthu … get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here… Re: XSLT : Find the maximum column in a table Programming Software Development by varun0703 … get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here… Re: XSLT : Find the maximum column in a table Programming Software Development by varun0703 … get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here… XSLT to transform XML into XML with specific data Programming Software Development by duffman69 … nested. All I am trying to do is use an xslt file to transform this xml into a new XML file…