zoom Programming Software Development by sidd. hi i have a graph which i have to zoom in and zoom out dynamically. i have drew the graph in a panel. any ideas plzzzzzz Re: zoom Programming Software Development by kvprajapati …, Do not post threads with generic subjects such as "zoom" or "delay". Instead, clearly state a phrase… Re: zoom Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek …[/URL]. You can use scale and translate transformations together to zoom an image. I used the tutorials there to get a… zoom web page content Programming Web Development by raymondhsu09 … to make a web page which has the ability to zoom its content. I tried displaying the content in iframe(src…:"www.mypage.com") and then using style="zoom:50%;" . This works well for IE 7 but in… change. I want only the content to zoom. Is there a another way to zoom the web page content?? Thanks in advance… zoom the text Programming Web Development by anshusharma hello, My application is rendering the map by using the geospatial data from the database.when i zoom the map by certain value of the zoom factor, my map image gets zoomed.but the text that is there on the map image remains the same size.how to zoom this text ?? thanx for any help in advance. Zoom Image Programming Software Development by Start4me …to move the image with mouse click and ability to zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. If …can you tell me how to make the image to zoom in to center of the mouse pointer, like it… As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom 'init this from here or a method depending on your… Zoom in Zoom Out the Form Programming Software Development by Sunny28525 Hi this is sunny, i have a form with 5 text boxes and 5 labels. now i want to zoom in and zoom out the form. actually i have no idea. please tell me the solutions. Zoom In and Zoom Out Question Digital Media UI / UX Design by kathymac …. My customer is complaining that when he clicks the "Zoom In/Zoom Out" menu option in his browser, the menu… Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Sereal_Killer … what the best possible way would be for me to zoom into a selected img/div. i have multiple divs with… the whole screen. it doesnt have to have the animation zoom in effect. i was thinking of 2 ways of doing… Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Troy III What do you need exctly? 1. Zoom to its native size; or 2. stretch it out to maximum available width/hight; 3. or stretch it by percetage zoom to 100% 200% 300% etc? Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Sereal_Killer this is the code i have now. it does the zoom in function. i cant get this.id to work for … that there should be a better way to implement the zoom as i have made it with 2 while functions cause… Zoom Issues Digital Media UI / UX Design by zobadof Hi, I am curious to know, is there a way to make my website zoom compatiable. When I zoom in the pictures move places, and on different sized monitors the website is different. Is there any way to change this so it stays the same regardless? [Website](http://www.wisshesforyou.com) Re: Zoom Image Programming Software Development by Start4me Thank you oissama 1 for your reply. The code works and zooms in and out to the center of the panel, however, I want the image to zoom in and out to the center of the current mouse cursor position. How would this be possible? Anyone? Re: Zoom Image Programming Software Development by Start4me Reverend Jim, I've tried the code, but still, this doesn't give me what I'm looking for. The image doesn't zoom to the center of the cursor postion. Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Troy III …]Seccond:[/B] This code [COLOR="Red"]doesn't zoom[/COLOR] anything at all! (I allready told you - but you… Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Sereal_Killer … all the set attributes . i know the current code doesnt zoom in i was trying to implement it but i didnt… Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by Troy III In fact, I've been waiting for somebody like you, who can come and teach me some insanity like that. I would be very proud of you! -What is the outcome of a function that will try to zoom you in and out within the same click?!! (...please...) Re: Zoom in , enlarge effect Programming Web Development by donfady … is the outcome of a function that will try to zoom you in and out within the same click?!! (...please...)[/QUOTE… Re: Zoom Issues Digital Media UI / UX Design by priebd1 … don't want your content to change upon resize or zoom. Re: Zoom in WebKit wrapper Programming Software Development by tinstaafl try this [page](http://www.daniweb.com/search/query/html-zoom/0?q=html+zoom) Zoom Image Programming Web Development by odessit Can anyone recommend the way to implement the [B]image zoom[/B] feature? This is the same option that you can see on any big estore when you looking at the product detail. Thank you Lenny Zoom in, s60 image Programming Software Development by papaJ …+self.canvas.size[1])))[/CODE] i can't seems to zoom in/out, I looked into Image and Canvas documentation and… Zoom out (make smaller) the contents of a panel Programming Software Development by tiwas Hi guys, I've trapped a misbehaving app in a panel and need to zoom out to make the whole app appear inside the panel without having to make the panel larger. Anyone know how to do this? Is it even possible? Cheers! Zoom in WebKit wrapper Programming Software Development by lorenzocalzaretti Hi everybody, I'd like to know if there is a way to zoom a page in the webkitbrowser control in vb net. Thanks in advance. Zoom Picturebox to the center of the cursor location Programming Software Development by Start4me I'm trying to zoom in on a Picturebox when scrolling the mousewheel, the code … Re: Zoom Picturebox to the center of the cursor location Programming Software Development by Start4me … hook when client's set the image to reset the zoom level to unzoomed Get Return MyBase.Image End Get Set… Re: zoom Programming Software Development by Diamonddrake an Idea would be to draw the graph to a bitmap. Then display the bitmap, and just modify one of those 10,000 zooming picturebox controls floating around the net. Re: zoom image Programming Web Development by MoonTraveller [QUOTE=candidz;884145]i want to implement "http://road.fullspeedahead.com/fly.aspx?taxid=222&layout=product", i need help.....???[/QUOTE] You need Magic Zoom: [url]http://www.magictoolbox.com/magiczoom/[/url] It will zoom into the image using JavaScript (same as DHTML and AJAX zoom). Re: Zoom Images Programming Web Development by nonshatter Take your pick... [url]http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/2010/02/15-jquery-plugins-to-create-stunning-image-zoom-effects.html[/url] How to zoom to the cursor position after the GDI+ has been transformed? Programming Software Development by Daniel_51 … e.Graphics g.TranslateTransform(renderOrigin.X, renderOrigin.Y) g.ScaleTransform(zoom, zoom) drawGrid(g) g.FillRectangles(Brushes.Green, testRects.ToArray) End …e.Delta)) / 100 zoom += i If zoom < 0.1 Then zoom = 0.1 If zoom > 1.0 Then zoom = 1.0 renderOrigin =…