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* Partition Wizard is a Windows based server partition manager software. Our server partition software supports both MBR and GUID partition table (GPT) format running on 32/64 bits Operating System including Windows XP, Vista, Windows Server 2000/2003/2008, and Windows 7. And our magic partition software supports all hard disks recognized …

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Member Avatar for talha06

Hi everyone, I want to convert [B]JDBC ResultSet to JSON Array[/B]. As u guess, direct casting isn't allowed.. How can I convert my DB data which is stored in ResultSet to a JSON Array? I'll be happy if someone can help me. Thanx in advance, With regards, Talha..

Member Avatar for rj4gio

i have a lot of doc files to convert everyday. Any suggestion that help me to automate this conversion. Thanksssss :)

Member Avatar for DHPena

Hello everyone. I'm developing a program where I need to write some data on a FIFO file, and I'm using the command Write() for that. My problem, is that with that command I can't send integers, so I was thinking about Convert them to Char, and then increment them on …

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Member Avatar for igodspeed

Hello, I am trying to convert this C code to C++. The original code is further down this page. From the changes that I have made till now, the code should work but i keep on getting errors. I am using gcc in ubuntu to compile it. Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for johnovision27

Hello all! Firstly, sorry, it's been a while since I've been programming and I'm relatively new to VB My question is this; I want to change the number in an object identifier to what ever number the program picks at random. Roulette, 37 spots on the wheel, random number 1-37, …

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Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hi, I'm having a problem wrapping my head around a problem. Here is the problem: Develop a program that will input a binary string and then, using bitwise operations, do a two's complement on the string and display it. Use UNSIGNED data types for the bit strings. So far, I …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi Please tell vb.net equivalent of following method: [CODE=C#] private void LookForUpdates() { System.Threading.ThreadStart timerThreadStart = new System.Threading.ThreadStart(delegate() { sua = new ShowUpdatAvailable(); DelGetUpdateArgs delGetUpdateArgs = new DelGetUpdateArgs(this.GetUpdateArgs); sua.GetUpdateArgs = delGetUpdateArgs; sua.StartLookingForUpdate(); }); timerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(timerThreadStart); timerThread.Start(); } [/CODE] I tried using C# to VB.NET code converter which gave …

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Member Avatar for Drahmina

I have a String stored in this format "10/10/2009 12:00:00". I would like to convert this into a DateTime object so I can add it into the Outlook calender. I have tried using the following code but it doesnt seem to work. DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(appointments[i]); (where appointments[i] is a …

Member Avatar for Ravenheart
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey All, I have been asked to do a project on Java at school. We are still learning it at an elementary level... Many decided to do the project on things like ticket booking, banking and stuff... whereas I wanted to do something innovative and so decided that my topic …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey All, I have made a program called "Pymailer", I have even made a GUI version... now what I want to do is to convert it to .exe format... how do I do it? I googled for some info, but in vain!

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Member Avatar for yorro

I know it is as simple as it is, I've search around the internet and I came up with nothing. Maybe I don't know what to search for. Basically my datetimepicker format is set to year only. My string is "2009" I want the datetimepicker-year to set as the year …

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Member Avatar for arshad115

Hi,I want to convert String^ to Int array or a char array.I am reading numbers from a file in GUI but the StreamReader Reads the Text in a String.I need to convert them to use the numbers. I have tried ToCharArray() function but it doesnt work! this function gives the …

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Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I am looking for a compression mechonism that can compress text (just letters and numbers) into binary or all weird symbols. Does anybody know of any good php/mysql codes as I can't get any to work.

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The End.