250 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kert

I have an HTML page that makes a query to SQL database when clicking on button "OTSI". My problem is that after populating the table with the data, I cant sort it anymore. I am using a standard tablesorter library ([TableSorter](http://tablesorter.com/docs/)). Here is the page making the query: [page with …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for Subomi

Hey, please how can i logically sort for numbers in a list list = [10, 5, 2, 7, 20] without the sort() using only if statements and for loops and no while loop.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for xHellghostx

Okay so I have couple of questions about lists in vb.. Please be aware that it's all related to integers only no strings or others 1. How to sum values of a list? 2. How to sort values of list from highest to lowest? Also how would I display list …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for rfrapp

I've written bucket sort, to read a list of numbers from a file, sort them, then write the sorted list to a new file. My program runs through the process just as it should, but whenever a bucket is completely sorted, it doesn't save the changes in the bucket. My …

Member Avatar for rfrapp
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi how can i sort using Month i have January, February.... December i want to sort it out so the user will see it from January - December my column name is "Months" and it is in subitems(0) Thank you in a advanced

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for Atlanta15Braves

I have a guest entry form that takes a persons name and email. this writes the contents to a txt file. I then want to take the text file and format it so that it is an array. I use an explode function, but my code is coming up empty. …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for ryan.maure

I am having a runtime error happen when I run my program and can't seem to figure out why. It is happenning on my insertion sort function. I also am going to have to do a selection sort with this and aany help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my …

Member Avatar for ryan.maure
Member Avatar for salty11

I have this issorted code to sort elements of an array. It's very slow as it is right now due to a lot of memory access, number of branch instructions per iteration of the poorly written loops, and unorganized instruction/register usage causing dependencies between instructions. I'm not sure on how …

Member Avatar for salty11
Member Avatar for Hey90

I have created a basic object oriented database of a list of shoes containing the shoe name, number and shoe size. I am trying to sort the list of shoes alphabetially by name and by shoe size. I have the following code: Shoes.h: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #ifndef …

Member Avatar for Hey90
Member Avatar for ray.chappel

I have been working on this assignment for a while now and I can't figure this one issue out. I was given four files, Name.java, SortableArrayList.java, NameListDriver.java, and SortableArrayListWithBubbleSort.java. The program is meant to take a text file with a list of names and sort them alphabetically. Part one of …

Member Avatar for ray.chappel
Member Avatar for aVar++

Hi guys, I got this from my teacher and im really confused. could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks > What does it do? > > This time I'm looking for an overall summary, in one sentence, with the word "by" in the middle: > "This function ..........., …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I created a table, created a dataview, and sorted the dataview. I then populated the table with three rows of data and all was good. I then changed one of the fields (Hours) in one of the rows which SHOULD HAVE caused it to re-sort, but it did not re-sort. …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for spowel4

Given a comma-delimited file like this example: "92528","1","36","38280","51801","PLANT 5 - LINE 1","37", "92528","1","8","37450","51801","PLANT 5 - LINE 1","37", "92528","2","8","37896","51801","PLANT 5 - LINE 1","37", "92528","3","8","37450","51801","PLANT 5 - LINE 1","37", "92528","61","32","37450","51802","PLANT 5 - LINE 2","37", "92528","62","16","38721","51802","PLANT 5 - LINE 2","37", "92528","63","8","38722","51802","PLANT 5 - LINE 2","37", "92528","64","4","37450","51802","PLANT 5 - LINE 2","37", "92528","149","8","37450","51804","PLANT 5 - …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear Friends, I have a sequence of two values as the following: 00001.doc d:\pathtofile\image50.jpg 00002.doc d:\pathtofile\image38.jpg 00003.doc d:\pathtofile\image40.jpg ... I would like to add the values to a list, sort the list by second value and rename the first value accordingly. For example, the following steps: Step 1 '00002.doc', 'd:\pathtofile\image38.jpg' …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for t2nator

Can anyone help me with this pratice question: 33 31 11 47 2 20 24 12 2 43. I am trying to figure out what the contents of the two output lists would be after the first pass of the Merge Sort. The answer is supposedly: List 1: 33 11 …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for flopoe

Hello everyone; I am new to Python. How can we explain this code step by step. I couldn't understand some parts. myList=[43,21,12,80,3,2,35] end=len(myList)-1 while (end!=-1): swapped=-1 for i in range(0,end): if myList[i]>myList[i+1]: temp=myList[i] myList[i]=myList[i+1] myList[i+1]=temp swapped=i end=swapped print(myList)

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi, I'm trying to preventing consecutive duplicate pages. For example when I refreshed a page it show a word from each page and when I refresh again it should show a different word from a different page not staying on one page. This is my pages: Page1 = Mozart Page2 …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for narlapavan

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; class Cords { public: int x,y,z; }; class Object:public Cords { int a,b,c; public: vector<Cords> vCords; void insertCords(); void getCords(); }; void Object::insertCords() { Cords theCords; int x=1; do { cout<<"Enter X:"<<endl; cin>>x; cout<<"Enter a b c:"<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>c; theCords.x=a; theCords.y=b; theCords.z=c; vCords.push_back(theCords); }while(x!=0); } …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for elrond

a program that asks user to enter number of people their birth year date and month and sorts it i got the algorithm figured out its just the code thats not hitting me!

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for bops

Hi, I have quite a large CSV file (Around 20,000 rows with about 20 columns) that I am trying to manipulate. Initially I am looking for a way to get out the first 10 or so records after they have been sorted in ascending order on one of the numeric …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for firras

If someone could help point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated. My problem is merge sorting a list from a text file and outputting the sort into a different text file that the user chooses. The text file that's inputted is about a 20 item list …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for VergilDevil123

typedef struct zoz { int age; int mag; int suly; } nevsor_t; int olvas(nevsor_t * pnevsor) { return scanf("%d %d %d", &pnevsor->age, &pnevsor->mag, &pnevsor->suly); } int kiir(nevsor_t nevsor) { return printf("%d year\t%d cm\t%d kg\n", nevsor.age, nevsor.mag, nevsor.suly); } int sort_age(const void *a, const void *b) { struct nevsor_t *ia = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sheushen

I need to sort the display by name in alphabetical order. How do I do that? public class Node { String name; int age; String position; int salary; String num; Node next; Node() { name = null; age = 0; position = null; salary = 0; num = null; next …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

How to sort by column header dynamically in the table ? Table should be sorted by all column. <?php $order = (isset($_POST['sortCostCode']) && strcasecmp($_POST['sortCostCode'], 'desc') == 0) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $query = 'SELECT * FROM `Humeur_log` ORDER BY `Humeur_log`.`logid` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30' . $order; $result = mysql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for Yoink

Hi, I had an assignment where we had to fox a program and get it working correctly. I fixed 99% of the problems and the program runs correct. The only thing that is wrong is my insertionSort() method. It runs correctly, but in the wrong order. Currently its listing names …

Member Avatar for Yoink
Member Avatar for somjit{}

**the code works perfectly, just i got something i dont understand...** i'v been trying to get a hold of recursion and sorting for about 3-4 days now, im getting some of it, but still not happy enough.. i searched for some good code for binary search and merge sort on …

Member Avatar for somjit{}
Member Avatar for DelilahDemented

I have a custom class that consists of patient data. I am pulling data from three different sql tables and combining it into a list of patients. If the patient doesn't exist in the last table then I am inserting the patient into that table. From this last table, I …

Member Avatar for DelilahDemented
Member Avatar for smith32

Hi, I'm working on a quick sort for double linked list. All work except the first item. I don't know what is wrong. Can u plz help me find the error? Here is my code. dlist_t* quick_sort(dlist_t* list) { dlnode_t *tnode = NULL, *first = NULL, *last = NULL; first …

Member Avatar for smith32
Member Avatar for demingd

im writing a program that creates a dynamic array then input numbers(not exceeding 100). i used *new int* to create the array. im running into the problem that it only allows 21 numbers to be entered, then does sort,mean. could anyone explain where im going wrong setting up the array …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Dean_williams

Hello. I am having a tough time understanding the concept of double linked list. For now, i understand double linked list has 2 links, one forward and another one previous. data is in the middle. when inserting must check where to insert. if previous is equal to null, then can …

Member Avatar for Dean_williams

The End.