timeline covers Digital Media Digital Marketing by suwal …. And some of us are much interested in uploading stylish [timeline covers] pictures. If you go online you can find many… you in editing your picture to post it as a timeline cover picture. So, why not try it?? Re: timeline covers Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch …. And some of us are much interested in uploading stylish [timeline covers] pictures. If you go online you can find many… you in editing your picture to post it as a timeline cover picture. So, why not try it?? **@suwal** I sorry… Timeline project.. Programming Software Development by kingsonprisonic Hi, all I am trying to create a software where video files play continuously using a timeline like Windows Movie maker or Pinacle Studio. So i have no idea how to maintain the time line. Will i use Timer Control for that or any other methods are available. I dont need any code. Just need the idea. How to build a front-ent with tracks and timeline Programming Software Development by gbonline …, sounds, and other as command to execute something and whit timeline i decide when to show each one. I've not… to start and the duration. When i press play the timeline cursor goes and when it reach a begin point of… or execution video or something else. i can control the timeline scroll when i'm not in play, the channel scroll… Google's Timeline Chart backgroundColor based with specific value Programming Software Development by Mohd_11 …getElementById('myChart'); var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container); var dataTable = new google.visualization.… Date($end_date[$i])],"; } ?> ]); var options = { timeline: { rowLabelStyle: {color: '#ffffff' }}, backgroundColor: '#92d050' }; chart… tweak the new twitter timeline widget Digital Media UI / UX Design by josverhoeff … working since twitter yanked out support last week. The new timeline widget misses the autoscroll option, but I can live with…;style.css"); var styles = otherhead.appendChild(ilink); var css = '' + '.timeline { font-size:11px !important; color:red;}' + ''; styles.innerHTML = css; } setTimeout… Re: tweak the new twitter timeline widget Digital Media UI / UX Design by josverhoeff @alex, thanks for the reply. I used the new timeline widget as a followup of the old twitter widget, where … Re: tweak the new twitter timeline widget Digital Media UI / UX Design by Coloradojaguar Thinking about this for a few minutes I have obviously misposted. You are talking about the timeline widget not the actual tweets, much less the cards. Adding flash movie to main timeline problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by somename … AS. But the movie is not assigned to a main timeline and i cannot do a thing with it now. It… Simile Timeline Programming Web Development by stressballRus I've been working on a very cool control - The Simile Timeline. The codebase behind it is brilliant, but there is little documentation supporting it. So, I would just like to know if anyone else has been working with it? How to post something on FB timeline after completion the game Programming Web Development by Rizi004 Hi guys I want when user start game then at the start of the game facebook authentication perform and after the completeion of 1st stage it post on user facebook timeline. How i can do this with PHP what are the steps for doing this. waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance. Post on FB timeline with Graph API post Caption 2 times need help Programming Web Development by Rizi004 Hi there! I have a PHP code that post on timeline everthing is working perfectly fine only it show text two … Re: Post on FB timeline with Graph API post Caption 2 times need help Programming Web Development by LastMitch >I have a PHP code that post on timeline everthing is working perfectly fine only it show text two times i have attached the code and the image please tell me where is the issue. **@Rizi004** There's nothing wrong with the PHP code. I think it's more related to JSON/javascript part. Which you didn't provided it. Flash AS3 loading a swf screen from timeline Programming Game Development by Fenrir370 …;); // Code that goes on the last frame of the main timeline when you win ------------------------------------/ MovieClip(stage.getChildAt(0)).loadThisScreen("win… Re: timeline covers Digital Media Digital Marketing by Chantel_1 What sites would those be? Im not sure what your getting at here but many people have stylish facebook cover photos. Are you looking to design one for someone? Re: Timeline project.. Programming Software Development by lolafuertes I would suggest using a slider control as a base. Then, maybe you will need to do some additional rendering when showing/updating their content or size. See [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.slider.aspx"]here[/URL] for info about it. Hope this helps Timeline for Design Process Digital Media UI / UX Design by php_noob Normally how long would you took in your design process? How long the logo would take? How long is the designing in Photoshop? Then how long in HTML? This is just for your initial design..... Thanks for the response. Re: Timeline for Design Process Digital Media UI / UX Design by pritaeas The company I worked for last, the designer there needed 4 hours for a website design and we needed 4 hours to convert it correctly. This would be a design based on an existing house-style and/or logo. Re: Timeline for Design Process Digital Media UI / UX Design by php_noob The designer is just one person for one design I presume? Then how many people converting it to HTML? Re: Timeline for Design Process Digital Media UI / UX Design by pritaeas In our case, also one. Re: How to build a front-ent with tracks and timeline Programming Software Development by slate http://www.openshot.org/screenshots/ Seems to be in gtk. Maybe: http://sayavideoeditor.sourceforge.net/screenshots.shtml google for: python audio/video editor Re: tweak the new twitter timeline widget Digital Media UI / UX Design by Coloradojaguar I know this is an older post but I was wondering if the twitter cards now resolve these types of issues or have they induced more problems? Re: How to post something on FB timeline after completion the game Programming Web Development by pritaeas I think you'll have to dig into the Facebook Graph API. Start with the documentation. join multiple columns from one table to another Programming Databases by mrhankey …, timeline.clients_ClientID, timeline.UserID, timeline.IFAID, timeline.RegionalSalesManager, timeline.AreaSalesManager, timeline.AgencyTradingAgreementSigned, timeline.DateOfClientMeeting, timeline.EstimatedPensionFundAmount, timeline.DateAuthorityMandateSentToIFA, timeline.DetailsOfPensionFunds, timeline.ProductID, timeline.PropertyRef, timeline C# HELP :( The name 'e' does not exist in the current context Programming Software Development by ahmzy … 216)); Pen outline = new Pen(Color.Black, 2); Pen timeline = new Pen(Color.Black, 1); g.DrawRectangle(outline, 15, …, 840); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 623, 641, 623); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 648, 641, 648); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 673, 641… Re: C# HELP :( The name 'e' does not exist in the current context Programming Software Development by ahmzy …)); Pen outline = new Pen(Color.Black, 2); Pen timeline = new Pen(Color.Black, 1); g.DrawRectangle(outline, …840); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 623, 641, 623); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 648, 641, 648); g.DrawLine(timeline, 45, 673… Php code to Upload image to admin Programming Web Development by Princecrich …div> </div> <div class="timeline-task"> <div class="icon bg3"…div> </div> <div class="timeline-task"> <div class="icon bg3&… Page transitions Digital Media UI / UX Design by miguel1810 …quot;> <div class="timeline"><span class="timeline-track"></span>&…lt;span class="timeline-arrow"></span></div>…quot;> <div class="timeline"><span class="timeline-track"></span>&… Re: Animating a board of LED Programming Software Development by حسن_3 … done = False first_mouse_event = True LEDs_on = {} current_frame = 0 Timeline = {} clock = pygame.time.Clock() while done == False: #…first_mouse_event = False #on/off LEDs #Draw Timeline for x_offset in range(0, 800, … Re: Need Help With Facebook Account Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … a few options: 1. Join one of the "Timeline Sucks" fan pages and encourage Mark Zuckerberg to change…Firefox, there's a [Firefox extension](http://download.cnet.com/TimeLine-Remove/3000-11745_4-75714336.html) you can also use to… hide the timeline. Haven't tried this either. As I mentioned, I…