Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by emmas4impact … stock.add("BICYCLE "+bicycleCount);stock.add("OTHER VEHICLE TYPE "+ otherCount); } else if (e.getSource()==btnRemoveBicycle…stock.add("BICYCLE "+ bicycleCount);stock.add("OTHER VEHICLE TYPE "+ otherCount); } else if (e.getSource()==btnRemoveOthers… Vehicle record struct Programming Software Development by potpaLaptop … and displays its information (fields) 5) Lists vehicle-ids with a profit less than a specified limit…file (extra) [CODE]INCLUDE Debug\Lib_Inc\ Vehicle STRUCT Idv BYTE "00000000" Make BYTE … WORD 0 SalePrice WORD 0 Profit WORD ? Vehicle ENDS .data vehicle1 Vehicle <> .code main PROC EXIT main… Re: Vehicle license in Canada Community Center Say Hello! by Reverend Jim Just a thought - have you ever considered googling "how to license a vehicle in Canada"? Near the top is a link to [this guide]( If, instead, you are referring to getting a driver's licence, then you should have been clearer with your question. Vehicle license in Canada Community Center Say Hello! by williamnoah2022 Hello everyone, I am new to this discussion. I really want to believe that I will get some guidance here,Can anyone help me to find out the procedures for getting vehicle license in Canada? i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by jemz …colour indicates typical data) Type of vehicle? C Hour vehicle entered lot (0-24)? 14 Minute vehicle entered lot (0-60)? 23 …the actual time spent in the parking lot for each vehicle. You may use the following algorithm: a) Compare the… the different types of vehicles PARKING LOT CHARGE Type of vehicle: C TIME-IN XX : XX TIME-OUT XX : XX -------… Re: i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by jemz … clrscr(); gotoxy(20,10); printf("Menu of VEHICLE"); gotoxy(20,12); printf("B = FOR…quot;); gotoxy(20,20); printf("Enter your vehicle type: "); scanf("%c",&…void display() { gotoxy(20,12); printf("Hour vehicle entered lot: ","\n"); scanf("%… How to generate vehicle wise profitability Programming Web Development by choudhuryshouvi …point where i need to generate a report based on vehicle wise profitability. i am using crystal report for reporting …system. this procedure continues till the full amount for the vehicle is recovered from the relevant customer. now i am …idea based on the above scenario to compute profit/loss vehicle wise.....if there is any kind of formula for … Re: How to generate vehicle wise profitability Programming Web Development by choudhuryshouvi …is expected to be fully recovered) : 24 now the vehicle is sold to one customer, so the sales transaction becomes… need to compute both profit or loss against the vehicle whichever will come out hope i have clearly visualized …collected from the customer....this will ofcourse income against the vehicle but when we generate the report, it will show … Re: How to generate vehicle wise profitability Programming Web Development by Fortinbra … be was the total amount to be paid for the vehicle so, b = (emi * # of months), or the total amount that… is going to be paid for the vehicle. So total profits for the car would be this (I… by customer (d)what dealer paid for vehicle (e)profit For Total profit after vehicle paid off ((a*b)+c)-d = e… Re: How to generate vehicle wise profitability Programming Web Development by choudhuryshouvi … to reply on (a) and (b) only... purchase of a vehicle and sales made through out the year....each transaction posses… original value of the vehicle and a down payment that has to pay when selling…the emi...which is also income against the sale of vehicle to the dealer....should this be taken into account or… Connected cars: a vehicle for cybercrime? Hardware and Software by happygeek …third-party access to user information and, possibly, the vehicle itself by installing a mobile app to enable remote …* With some functions communicating with the SIM inside the vehicle using SMS,there is an opportunity to break into the… are stolen. This would identify the location of the vehicle, and enable the doors to be unlocked remotely."… Re: How to generate vehicle wise profitability Programming Web Development by Fortinbra … the dealer side, how much the dealer pays for the vehicle, and how much customer pays the dealer for the… vehicle. Estimates would show this: What dealer pays (a), what customer … Used Vehicle classes Programming Software Development by jecelone … vehicles. Design a base class for vehicle with fields such as model, year, total mileage, vehicle identification number (VIN), EPA class, EPA… Re: Need Vehicle Dataset with Images in PHP Format Programming Databases by EpifaniaPersons …have used some open-source and free resources to get vehicle images for my project. But we are getting some …quriers about the unavailability of few vehicle models particularly the old ones. In this regard, I …like these but honestly these are not enough reliable and I… do u hav any geeky tags on ur car/vehicle Community Center Geeks' Lounge by kishan4every1 i hav this tagkine on my vehicle... "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI" whats yours?? Havok vehicle kit c++ Programming Game Development by RobZombie85 … are applied). I could do with some help with the vehicle kit and how to start setting up the engine to… do we need to insert a SIM(cellular/GSM) to a vehicle GPS if we want to tra Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by silvercats do we need to insert a SIM(cellular/GSM) to a vehicle GPS if we want to track the location from the distance? (over the internet) Need Vehicle Dataset with Images in PHP Format Programming Databases by EpifaniaPersons … PHP. I have already used this source to get the vehicle's dataset from here… Re: Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC I'm not sure what the android environment is, but if that is referring to the phone which I think it is, then check out Java ME. [url][/url] And then use the phone when testing. Re: Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by adams161 i googled and found this link. with any of these phones you have to download their SDK. They use a java like language if they are java compatible but are not exactly java as we know it from sun. I had limited experience doing this with the LG phone SDK which is also java like. The developer tool download you get … Re: Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by peter_budo @BestJewSinceJC JAva Microedition is not compatible with Android. As adams161 pointed there is SDK for Android that can be added as plugin to Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA or NetBeans (however there been some issues under NB, so far Eclipse has the best). Android SDK provide programming environment for you and also very functional emulator where you … Re: Vehicle Register Programming Software Development by emmas4impact @BestJewSinceJC thanks but am talking about using it on eclipse and @adams161 thanks so much its was a little bit helpful and @peter_budo thanks i have already add the plugins on eclipse and now with the links to give to me am working something out...Thanks so much Re: Vehicle record struct Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Do you know how to allocate arrays? Do you know how to read a file? If not, then you need to study them before doing the rest of this program. Re: Vehicle license in Canada Community Center Say Hello! by rproffitt I lived in Canada for 8 years. We only had to go to the ICBC since we were in BC and ask. Our drivers license from the USA was good for many months as we navigated ICBC's requests and testing. Re: Vehicle license in Canada Community Center Say Hello! by rproffitt @jephito. When the questions are unclear you can't answer it. Also, you didn't answer it. Re: Vehicle license in Canada Community Center Say Hello! by odeskavita I am not clear with your question, but I guess you are asking how to get a driver's license. So, I am going to respond in this context: See, every province in Canada has its specifications and rules. But the following three steps of the Graduated Licensing Program are necessary to be followed everywhere: * A knowledge exam: You need … Re: i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by Adak Sorry, you need to show some work on this. Just posting your assignment and waiting around for some shmuck to do your homework for you, doesn't meet the requirements of the board. I find it impossible to believe that you can't figure out how to calculate the charges and time, etc. Re: i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by androidz dont ask for help if you want to learn..learn to hard code thats best the thing to learn programming dont often ask for help.. you can show your codes here for everybody to suggest but dont ask for help to make you the code..learn to pull your hair.. Re: i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by Adak The assignment says to round hours only upward. Which means if you have ANY minutes at all, even 1, you need to increment their hours variable one time. I like the way the program handles the Midnight problem - very nice. I'd suggest you make your code more concise, however: [CODE] switch(num) { case 'c': printf("It'a car… Re: i got problem in vehicle charges Programming Software Development by jemz [QUOTE=Adak;1300288]The assignment says to round hours only upward. Which means if you have ANY minutes at all, even 1, you need to increment their hours variable one time. I like the way the program handles the Midnight problem - very nice. I'd suggest you make your code more concise, however: [CODE] switch(num) { case 'c…