Hi, as a member of daniweb I have a question regarding the proposal of more forums. Would it be possible to have a tutorials forum where people can post tutorials where admin can sort through to transfer/edit/delete into the appropriate positions. Also another idea which I have brought up before is daniweb open source projects.

I believe both ideas would be popular and a tutorials forum would allow for an easier way to send tutorials for moderation with an easy way of communicating what needs changing before the tutorial can be submitted.

As for the daniweb open source projects, perhaps a way of attracting more developers along with the fun and joy of joining in. Then perhaps the community could come up with some ideas of what they would like developed in what languages and people in their spare time would be able to contribute to the code until a final result is made for download from daniweb. Just a thought.

So any comments on this?

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Would it be possible to have a tutorials forum where people can post tutorials where admin can sort through to transfer/edit/delete into the appropriate positions

Unfortunately that would attract more spammers/content thieves than members who are genuinely interested in posting tutorials. More like one more forum to moderate for spam with the additional responsibility of checking the content for its originality.

Also another idea which I have brought up before is daniweb open source projects

You can of course start this initiative but it would IMO turn out to be a nightmare for the one who is mentoring. If no mentor is present for the project, it would be more like the "blind leading the blind". Not to mention being spammed by college kids for "enhancing" the project for their own use.

Of course I'm being a big pessimist here. But given that the developer community here at Daniweb isn't large, dedicated and experienced when compared to the "consumers", it would be difficult to pull off the stuff you are mentioning. But if you are planning on continuing with the open-source thing, good luck. :-)

I generally post tutorials as Code Snippets, not ideal, but it makes them easier to find in my profile if i want to link someone to them.

As for open source project, it sounds great but theres one problem...everyone here at daniweb is too busy doing other peoples homework ;)

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