Just installed 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium. So far so good. I did a fresh install, reformatted the hard drive, and installed fresh.

I am waiting for my Windows 7 disk to arrive :)

Got a free upgrade with a PC I bought this year so I will wait and see what it is like... I suppose it cant be much worse than Vista :D

I am in an accelerated uni course at high school. This means i get windows 7 for only $50 AUS. :) Sooo excited

I wonder when Windows 7.1 comes out.

Hello from Vista :) I will probably be getting it soon, not quite sure I look the new task bar so much though, looks big and blocky in my opinion, definitely worth a try though.

I have a free upgrade coming from PC purchase as well, but I think I may wait a few more months.

>>quite sure I look the new task bar so much though
The task bar doesn't look much different than Vista's.

Hello from Vista :) I will probably be getting it soon, not quite sure I look the new task bar so much though, looks big and blocky in my opinion, definitely worth a try though.

You can change it :)

Working in a desktop support environment has its advantages, I get to sit and play around with Win7, but no worries about it messing up my PC..
No doubt lots of people will be calling shortly with very stupid questions :D

Okay, my very stupid question is:
Does Windows 7 still require those sluggishly slow virus programs, registry cleaners, spyware detectors/cleaners etc. etc. ???

Okay, my very stupid question is:
Does Windows 7 still require those sluggishly slow virus programs, registry cleaners, spyware detectors/cleaners etc. etc. ???

Sorry, this double post is caused by my virus software updating in the background.

Sorry, this double post is caused by my virus software updating in the background

Oh the irony :P

Maybe Windows 7 will lay all of this to rest!

I am downloading it as we speak. I love it that i dont have to go into a store to buy it :)

Soo i would say by tomorrow i will also be saying hello from windows 7 :)

Okay, my very stupid question is:
Does Windows 7 still require those sluggishly slow virus programs, registry cleaners, spyware detectors/cleaners etc. etc. ???

Yes of course you will still need those. Windows 7 does not make all those antivirus programs obsolete.

But i did hear something about microsoft offering antivirus/firewall programs with windows 7.. i dont know much about it, i have just heard things here and there.

Vista has a firewall, so I suspect Windows 7 does too. There was nothing mentioned about it or antivirus during installation, unless I missed it.

Ah well, never mind me then :P Starting my own install in a few minutes.. see you on the flipside :)

Does Windows 7 still require those sluggishly slow virus programs, registry cleaners, spyware detectors/cleaners etc. etc. ???

It depends which 'sluggisly slow' virus programs you use, I use AVG on Vista and it's totally invisible to me, never had any problems. Norton however feels like it halves the speed of my computer.

Ha Ha!! Hello from windows 7 running on my netbook :)

I feel left out :icon_sad: No money to spare.

Just go to uni :P then its only $50 AUS

Ha Ha!! Hello from windows 7 running on my netbook :)

What is a netbook? Never heard of that. :)

What is a netbook? Never heard of that. :)

They are the little 10/11 inch things, MSI Wind, Asus Eee, Medion E1210 and the likes :)

I find them fairly useless.

Just go to uni :P then its only $50 AUS

Or find a Uni that is a Microsoft Partner, then they are usually free :D

I find them fairly useless.

:O thats my only computer.. it does what i need it to do. And it only cost me $500 which was all i had when i was shopping for computers.

:O thats my only computer.. it does what i need it to do. And it only cost me $500 which was all i had when i was shopping for computers.

Each to their own ;)

I prefer having a large screen so I can see my code without squinting :D

Although the price on them is tempting... My PC cost me £600, and the screen a further £100, so slight difference there. I think I would make my eyesight worse by using such a small screen, and it isn't good now :(

Hahaha well i might as well use my eyes while i am still young. :P
Actually i would love a big computer in some ways. The portability of a netbook though is exemplary. And whenever i need a large screen i just plug it into my widescreen monitor :)

If i had more money though i would invest in something a little more.. powerful

While we are on the topic of Win7 - I just ran across this hack - er, app

Load on startup means: Power on to: Desktop displayed, Icons loaded, system in idle process, all daemons / devices running, connected to LAN / Internet.

Time it takes my Linux box to load on startup:
~45 seconds to one minute (and it has issues)
Time it taks my gf's Macbook to load on startup:
30 seconds.
Time it takes my IBM thinkpad T61 windows XP sp2 to load on startup:
7 - 15 minutes.

c'mon, is windows 7 going to be any faster? Are their crappy applications (Office?) going to run any smoother or glitch free? Have they been compiling all of their "error reports" from crashed applications and really trying to work on a more stable system? Maybe if they knew what they were doing. The most stable product Microsoft ever released was win2K and I'm only a fan of it since it was the least error prone product they've put out. It's not better than Unix, it's not better than OSx or leopard or snow leopard - whatever mac runs now. I mean, fool me once, shame on you, fool me like, eleven times . . . .?!

yes. It is faster, i used to run XP and now i have installed windows 7 there is a very noticeable speed increase, especially on the startup time.

Dont immediately discount things before trying them, and also i bet your girlfrends laptop cost a lot more money then you are running the XP system on. If you payed the same amount of money as you did for the mac i think you would find it would be closer to 35 - 40 seconds, that was what it was for me on a $500 netbook.

commented: I tried Windows 7 Ultimate RC version and its fantastic. It install automatically all the needed drivers not supported by XP. +0

I am still without Windows 7 on my PC...

Only just got an email from the upgrade people saying the CD was shipped today... almost 2 weeks after the release and it has only just shipped :(

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