Cat --> Garfield

Garfield --> comic strip

comic strip --> Calvin and Hobbes

(Calvin and Hobbes, my all time favorite. Then comes Dilbert =) )

comic strip --> Calvin and Hobbes...

Hobie Cat(catamarans)

Hobie catamarans --> what?!

(yes, that's my word association, b/c "what on earth is that?" is the first thing that came into my head when I saw 'hobie cat')

Cool ;) Actually, right after my "what?" post I did a google search and found out what it was.

Now to get this thread back on track, I'll go again ;)

what --> who

...Now to get this thread back on track, I'll go again ;)...

what --> who

What no bikini? :(

...what --> who


Hey, you forgot to add the arrow in between the words! hehe ;)

Hoosiers --> Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones - Jones Beach (enuf cold!)

Jones Beach --> Son of the Beach

(That show RULES!)

Son of the Beach --> Son of Sam (dont like that!)
hmmm lets go with... That show rules --> dualies

Dualies --> What the heck?

(Yeah, I really did think what the heck.)

Heck --> beck beer

(aaeinstien's referring to pickup trucks with dual rear wheels, I think.)

beck beer --> budweiser

(c'mon someone, associate this w/ the bud commercials ;))

budweiser --> frog

budweiser --> frog

frog -> hopps and grains

....keeping the beer theme.

And hopefully didn't mess this up.

hopps and grains --> barley

barley --> cereal

cereal --> serial


serial -> bus

bus -> stop

stop -> sign

sign -> language

serial --> serial port

port -> of call

call -> function

function --> i_want_to_be_rich(int i)

(Hehe, Aelfinn, you made me update the rules. No posting twice in a row.)


int -> Ent, Treebeard

Ent, Treebeard --> Santa Clause

(The "beard" reminds me of Santa Clause.)

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