rich3800 0 Newbie Poster

Hi, I'm (fairly) new to Daniweb, coming in from Linux Today, my favorite Linux info web site. As far back as I can remember, I remember downloading and installing Slackware 95, Download stacks and stacks of floppies over a dialup connection. and then do the "toaster" thing. Out comes one diskette, in goes the next. It's so much easier now. With my 3G unlimited data plan, I can download to my heart's content and burn to CD or DVD. With every new distro, it's like Christmas. I'm fairly geeky. With my Cradlepoint cellular router, I can set up a wi-fi connection anywhere on which any kind of Internet traffic rides. I don't own a phone. Not a "regular" phone anyway, but a "virtual" phone using my netbook and Skype. When people ask me for my phone number, I'm still not sure what to say without going into fancy tech lingo. My friends have been wanting me to get a real phone but I'm just waiting for the right phone to come along. Maybe I'll be getting one of those Android smartbooks that will be coming out?

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