MktgRob 7 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

If you didn't know, John Mackey of Whole Foods (CEO & Co-Founder) wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal where he outlined how Whole Foods model of healthcare services and other common sense steps could provide reform without adding another 2 Trillion dollars to the national debt. And the web went nuts. The Whole Foods presences on facebook and twitter were inundated with comments. Mackey then responded to some of the comments and more people accessed their FB and twitter presences. Whole Food encouraged the feedback and more than 3,000 people did.

In an era where company executives measure their words to avoid ticking off special interest groups who may attack their company or products, Mackey went in the other direction and spoke his mind. And it provided an avalanche of hits to their social network accounts. Would you encourage a client or an exec in your company to do what Mackey did if you knew it would draw attention?