ahaykal 12 Newbie Poster

hello guys I have this problem that I cant seem to fix! What i want is that when the message Market is closed appears in the input box I want to change the input background color to red in all other cases I want the input box to be blue could anyway please guide me to the way its done!! thanks!

  <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> 

function IfZero(num) { return ((num <= 9) ? ("0" + num) : num); }
function check24(hour) { return (hour >= 24) ? hour - 24 : hour; }

function StatusDescription(HHMM) {
  var msg = "Market is Closed";
  if ((HHMM >= '09:30') && (HHMM < '09:50'))
  { msg = "Opening Bell";}
  if ((HHMM >= '09:50') && (HHMM < '10:10'))
  { msg = "The Morning Reversal"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '10:10') && (HHMM < '10:25')) { msg = "Low Risk Trading"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '10:25') && (HHMM < '10:30')) { msg = "Decision Time"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '10:30') && (HHMM < '11:15')) { msg = "Final Move of the Morning"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '11:15') && (HHMM < '14:15')) { msg = "Go Eat Your Lunch!!";} 
  if ((HHMM >= '14:15') && (HHMM < '15:00')) { msg = "Back to Business"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '15:00') && (HHMM < '15:10')) { msg = "It's GO Time"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '15:10') && (HHMM < '15:25')) { msg = "Use Caution & Stay with the Trend"; }
  if ((HHMM >= '15:30') && (HHMM < '14:00')) { msg = "Portfolio Re-balancing"; }
  if((HHMM >= '15:31' ) && (HHMM <= '15:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(18 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '16:00' ) && (HHMM <= '16:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(17 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '17:00' ) && (HHMM <= '17:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(16 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '18:00' ) && (HHMM <= '18:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(15 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '19:00' ) && (HHMM <= '19:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(14 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '20:00' ) && (HHMM <= '20:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(13 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '21:00' ) && (HHMM <= '21:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(12 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '22:00' ) && (HHMM <= '22:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(11 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '23:00' ) && (HHMM <= '23:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(10 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '00:00' ) && (HHMM <= '00:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(9 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '01:00' ) && (HHMM <= '01:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(8 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '02:00' ) && (HHMM <= '02:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(7 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '03:00' ) && (HHMM <= '03:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(6 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '04:00' ) && (HHMM <= '04:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(5 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '05:00' ) && (HHMM <= '05:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(4 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '06:00' ) && (HHMM <= '06:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(3 hours until open)";}
  if((HHMM >= '07:00' ) && (HHMM <= '07:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(2 hours until open)";}

  if((HHMM >= '08:00' ) && (HHMM <= '08:59')) {msg = "Market is Closed(1 hours until open)";}
  return msg;

function $_(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); }

function GetTime() {
  var dt = new Date();
  var def = dt.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
  var gmt = (dt.getHours() + def);
  document.clock.local.value = (IfZero(dt.getHours())
                             + ":" + IfZero(dt.getMinutes()) 
                             + ":" + IfZero(dt.getSeconds()));
  var ending = ":" + IfZero(dt.getMinutes()) + ":" +  IfZero(dt.getSeconds());
  var tmp = [];
  for (var i=0; i<24; i++) {
    tmp[i] = IfZero(check24(((gmt+i) > 24)?((gmt+i) - 24) :(gmt+i)))+ending;
  document.clock._GMT.value = tmp[1];    $_('text0').value = StatusDescription(tmp[1]);
//  document.clock.rome.value = tmp[1];    $_('text1').value = StatusDescription(tmp[1]);
//  document.clock.Israel.value = tmp[2];  $_('text2').value = StatusDescription(tmp[2]);
//  document.clock.msw.value = tmp[3];     $_('text3').value = StatusDescription(tmp[3]);
//  document.clock.baku.value = tmp[4];    $_('text4').value = StatusDescription(tmp[4]);
//  document.clock.del.value = tmp[5];     $_('text5').value = StatusDescription(tmp[5]);
 // document.clock.dh.value = tmp[6];      $_('text6').value = StatusDescription(tmp[6]);
//  document.clock.kok.value = tmp[7];     $_('text7').value = StatusDescription(tmp[7]);
//  document.clock.ho.value = tmp[8];      $_('text8').value = StatusDescription(tmp[8]);
  document.clock.tky.value = tmp[9];     $_('text9').value = StatusDescription(tmp[9]);
  document.clock.sdn.value = tmp[10];    $_('text10').value = StatusDescription(tmp[10]);
  document.clock.nyk.value = tmp[20];    $_('text11').value = StatusDescription(tmp[20]);
//  document.clock.mag.value = tmp[11];    $_('text11').value = StatusDescription(tmp[11]);
//  document.clock.wll.value = tmp[12];    $_('text12').value = StatusDescription(tmp[12]);
 //document.clock.sam.value = tmp[13];    $_('text13').value = StatusDescription(tmp[13]);
 // document.clock.Hawaii.value = tmp[14]; $_('text14').value = StatusDescription(tmp[14]);  
 // document.clock.alaska.value = tmp[15]; $_('text15').value = StatusDescription(tmp[15]);
 // document.clock.pacif.value = tmp[16];  $_('text16').value = StatusDescription(tmp[16]);
 // document.clock.mount.value = tmp[17];  $_('text17').value = StatusDescription(tmp[17]);
 // document.clock.center.value = tmp[18]; $_('text18').value = StatusDescription(tmp[18]); 
 // document.clock.east.value = tmp[19];   $_('text19').value = StatusDescription(tmp[19]);
 // document.clock.atl.value = tmp[20];    $_('text20').value = StatusDescription(tmp[20]);
 // document.clock.bra.value = tmp[21];    $_('text21').value = StatusDescription(tmp[21]);
 // document.clock.mid.value = tmp[22];    $_('text22').value = StatusDescription(tmp[22]);
 // document.clock.azo.value = tmp[23];    $_('text23').value = StatusDescription(tmp[23]);
  //function changeBGC(color)
// {
//document.bgColor = color;

  //document.clock.leb.value    = tmp[3];
  //document.clock.text1.value  = StatusDescription(tmp[3]);
  //document.clock.eniw.value = tmp[12];
 // document.clock.text24.value  = StatusDescription(tmp[12]);
  setTimeout("GetTime()", 1000);


<BODY onLoad="javascript:GetTime();">

<form name="clock">

 <strong>Local Time <input type="text" size="8" name="local" ></strong>


<table border="0">

 <td> Eniwetok (GMT-12) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="eniw"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text24" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Samoa (GMT-11) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="sam"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text13" type="text" size="25"> </td>


 <td> Hawaii (GMT-10) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="Hawaii"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text14" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Alaska (GMT-9) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="alaska"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text15" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Pacific Time (GMT-8) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="pacif"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text16" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Mountain Time (GMT-7) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="mount"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text17" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Central Time (GMT-6) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="center"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text18" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Eastern Time (GMT-5) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="east">  </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text19" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Atlantic Time (GMT-4) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="atl">  </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text20" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Brazilia (GMT-3) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="bra"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text21" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Mid-Atlantic (GMT-2) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="mid"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text22" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Azores (GMT-1) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="azo"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text23" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> London (GMT) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="_GMT"> </td>
<td> Status: <INPUT id="text0" type="text" size="50" align="center" STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: red; text-align:center;" >
 <td> Rome (GMT +1) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="rome">  </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text1" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Israel (GMT +2) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="Israel"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text2" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Moscow (GMT +3) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="msw"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text3" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Baku (GMT +4) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="baku">  </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text4" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> New Delhi (GMT +5) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="del">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text5" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Dhakar (GMT +6) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="dh">  </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text6" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Bangkok (GMT +7) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="kok">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text7" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Hong Kong (GMT +8) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="ho">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text8" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Tokyo (GMT +9) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="tky">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text9" type="text" size="50"STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: red;text-align:center;" >

 <td> Sydney (GMT +10) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="sdn"> </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text10" type="text" size="50"STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: red;text-align:center;" >

 <td> New York (GMT -7) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="nyk"> </td>
<td> Status: <INPUT id="text11" type="text" size="50"STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: blue;text-align:center;" >

 <td> Magadan (GMT +11) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="mag">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text11" type="text" size="25"> </td>

 <td> Wellington (GMT +12) </td>
 <td> <input type="text" size="8" name="wll">     </td>
 <td> Status: <INPUT id="text12" type="text" size="25"> </td>


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