I'm using ASP.NET and VB 2005. I'm trying to get a QueryString passed in the URL into a UserControl and I need to pass it as an integer because that is how it will be pulled from the database.

Here is part of the .aspx page:

<%@ register src="frmOrderProductDisplay.ascx" tagname="ProductDisplay" tagprefix="uc1" %>
        <br />
            Item Details</h3>
        <uc1:ProductDisplay ID="ProductDisplay1" runat="server" inventoryID='invID' />
        <br />
        <asp:Button ID="btnContinue" runat="server" PostBackUrl="~/frmOrder.aspx" Text="Continue Shopping" /><br />
        <br />

Here is my VB Code Behind file:

Partial Class frmOrderItemDetail
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Dim sInvID As String
    Dim invID As Integer

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim sInvID As String = Request.QueryString("invID")
        Dim invID As Integer = Int32.Parse(sInvID)
    End Sub
End Class

Basically I'm pulling invID from the URL and I need inventoryID in uc1 to be the value of invID as an integer.

If I put inventoryID="3" in the uc1, then it works fine. No matter how I try to set inventoryID equal to the int value of invID I get a "Input string was not in a correct format" error.

I'm sure its something simple I'm just missing, so any help would be appreciated.

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you must try the

dim invID as integer = httpcontext.current("inventoryID")

you must try the

dim invID as integer = httpcontext.current("inventoryID")

Where would I put that and what would it replace?

Also, in my aspx file, would I leave it as: inventoryID='invID' or do I need to change how it calls invID?


If you have a public property in your control name inventoryID, then in the page's code-behind, in the Page_Load event, add the line

ProductDisplay1.inventoryID = Request.QueryString("invID")

If the property is strongly typed, it will only accept an integer. You can remove the following attribute from the instance of your control in the .aspx file.


If you have a public property in your control name inventoryID, then in the page's code-behind, in the Page_Load event, add the line

ProductDisplay1.inventoryID = Request.QueryString("invID")

If the property is strongly typed, it will only accept an integer. You can remove the following attribute from the instance of your control in the .aspx file.


Thanks! That worked perfectly, I didn't even think about doing it that way for some reason.

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