Hi guys,

So I'm well into the design process of a website, I'd like to add a search option/bar within the site but not sure of the "best" way to go about it. Any tips?


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Well there are many ways to go about doing this. If you're talking about adding search functionality without installing anything, a very simple one is with Google Custom Search: http://www.google.com/coop/cse/

MeTc123, is your site database driven or page driven?

What is it programmed in?

MeTc123, is your site database driven or page driven?

What is it programmed in?

Well it's a combination of Photoshop, XHTML & CSS.

What we are asking is, does your site rely on databases like mysql, php, RUBY,ASP,JSP, or is it just simple XHTML and CSS which would be page driven.

What we are asking is, does your site rely on databases like mysql, php, RUBY,ASP,JSP, or is it just simple XHTML and CSS which would be page driven.

Ah I see, then its only page driven, basically I am curious to know what would be needed to *add* a search bar function within my site as I am still new to web design.

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