Hi, folks. I'm not a C# programmer, but for now I have the task of translating a short PHP script into C#, and I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me.

The goal of the script is to bundle and minify JS and CSS files on the fly. So, for example, I could write:

<link href="/bundle.aspx?file1.css&file2.css&file3.css">
<script src="/bundle.aspx?file1.js&file2.js&file3.js"></script>

And the response would be each of the requested files concatenated and minified.

But I'm not sure how I should even start. I'm not sure if I should extend System.Web.UI.Page, or if I should implement IHttpModule, or if I should do something else entirely. I'm hoping someone can at least get me started on the right track.

Below is the PHP script I'm working from.


// Get file list
$files = array();
foreach (explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) as $file)
  $files[] = urldecode($file);

TODO: use cache if none of the requested files have been updated since cache was created (check modification times)

// Ensure no funny file paths
foreach ($files as $file)
  if (is_file("wwwroot/$file") and strpos(realpath("wwwroot/$file"), realpath('wwwroot')) !== 0)

// Determine if JS, CSS or something else is being requested
$reqJS    = false;
$reqCSS   = false;
$reqOther = false;
foreach ($files as $file)
  $file = strtolower($file);
  if (substr($file, -3) == '.js')
    $reqJS = true;
  elseif (substr($file, -4) == '.css')
    $reqCSS = true;
    $reqOther = true;

// Ensure only JS or only CSS files are requested
if ($reqJS and $reqCSS or ! $reqJS and ! $reqCSS or $reqOther)

// Set header
if ($reqJS)
  header('Content-type: text/javascript');
else /* assume CSS */
  header('Content-type: text/css');

// Get file data
$data = '';
foreach ($files as $file)
  $file = "wwwroot/$file";
  if (is_file($file))
    $data .= file_get_contents($file);

// Compress data
// Fork the java process
$cmd = 'java -jar "' . realpath('bin/yuicompressor.jar') . '" --type ' . ($reqJS ? 'js' : 'css');
$descriptors = array(
  0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
  1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
  2 => array('pipe', 'w')
$process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes);
if ($process === false)

// Feed the data to the compressor
fwrite($pipes[0], $data);

// Read back the compressed data
$compressed = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);

// Check for errors
$errors = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);

// Close the process
$exitStatus = proc_close($process);

// Check if unsuccesful
if ($exitStatus != 0 or $errors != '')

/* TODO: cache compressed output */

echo $compressed;

function bad_request()
  header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');

function internal_server_error()
  header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');

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All 6 Replies

I don't get it. Do you want that code translated, and have it all run locally, or do you want to send a request to a webserver with that code uploaded?

The former: Translated code running locally.

There are rules that state you must have attempted it yourself; we will not do your homework for you.
Read up about it. Wouldn't be too hard.

I'd love to show you some initial code, but as I said in my post, I'm not a C# programmer. I don't know the framework, so I don't even know how to start. I'm just looking for a little help.

I tried googling my issue before I came here. I found, for instance, this. But the code provided here is a class, not a production ready package, which means I still need help figuring out how to use it. Also, it doesn't use a local compressor program. It sends a new HTTP request to google's user interface, which isn't ideal.

I also found this, which again seems to be presented as a library rather than a production ready package, which means I don't know how to use it.

Again, just looking for a little help. A starting point. Something.

Why have you picked C#, out of interest. Python or Ruby could be a lot more appropriate.

In C#, if you want to use a class:

Class Example
    pirate void Function()
        // etc;

It can be in another *.cs file, and you register an instance by:

Example pickaname = new Example();

And you access it by:


bbman, Why are you talking to yourself ?

commented: haaa i wonder O_o .. tu waapas aaja +8
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