baltimoreharps 28 Newbie Poster

My son's computer got virused. IT won't boot but rather goes to a blue screen with and missing User32.dll message. Afte researching, I found a method to replace the user32.dll file (as far as the instructions go, anyhow)

I took his hard drive out of his machine and placed it into my external hdd carriage. My goal was to connect it as an external drive so I could access the files.

WHen I connect the drive, XP does the usual, chimes for a new device and I get a message that a new device has been found (a USB disk device) and that the new hardware is installed and ready to go.

The new drive will not appear under My Computer nor will it appear under Disk Management. It does appear (as drive F), however, on both once I turn the drive off. It will appear in the proper place for a few seconds and then disappears again.

I have checked the jumpers on the drive and have actually tried each of the 4 possible configurations.

Do I need to adjust a RAID setting or is it something else?