tiger86 16 Posting Pro

It is one thing to blog “I hate Apple, why don’t they go out of business!” Sure you can do that and Apple won’t care 2 cents about you. It’s a total different ballpark when you write a blog that causes Apple’s stock to plummet.

Friday Morning before Nasdaq opened a “citizen” blogged on Cnet’s Ireport that Steve Jobs had been rushed to the Hospital due to a heart attack; with the stock market already in pandemonium an announcement like that couldn’t make things worse right? Wrong, before Apple had a chance to deny the Report; apple’s stock went from $105.04 to $94.65 cents in early stock market trading that is approximately a 9 billion dollar loss; according to Forbes.

Now that Apple has cleared up the fake blog disaster you should look at the power of blogging; sure it seems harmless but it’s not.
When writing a blog you have to know your facts and make sure they are 100 percent accurate; if you notice you made a mistake after publishing the blog you should edit the blog or get it removed.