QKSTechTrainee 36 Light Poster

Hi all,

How's this for a bizarre problem. I have a Samsung P28 laptop with Radeon mobility 9100 graphics. Windows XP Pro - fully updated with all the latest chipset and graphics card drivers.
It has a weird intermittent fault whereby sometimes the LCD screen is corrupted although the display on an external monitor is just fine. The weirdness is thus: when the LCD display is faulty, it appears to be magnifying a portion of the desktop to mammoth size (I estimate that it is picking an area of the desktop on the taskbar about 2 or 3 pixels high and a few hundred pixels wide, and then magnifying this to fill the screen. I've checked that Windows magnifier isn't running.

In desperation we returned the laptop to the supplier, who claimed they couldn't replicate the fault, but then replaced the motherboard anyway. A clean windows install seemed to fix the fault, but then it magically re-appeared. What is most frustrating about this is that we have several identical laptops with identical OS/software configs, and none of them behave this way.

Anybody got any ideas?

