John A 1,896 Vampirical Lurker Team Colleague

Since the recent announcement of Ubuntu's Windows-based installer, Debian has responded by releasing a similar installer for itself. The nice thing about this is that you obviously don't need to mess with CDs, but what about some other things?

I think Debian's been lacking some innovation lately - they've been letting Ubuntu spur them on, trying to keep the install as easy as Ubuntu's. Debian's a solid distro, and is one of my favorite choices for Linux. But I like to see things being invented that no-one else has thought up yet, as well as being solid and reliable. Debian's old and reliable, but think of something original!

I wonder how configurable the installer is when downloading the files. If it uses bittorent, it's quite likely that some people may not even be able to use it, and if you want to use a proxy... (forgive me for my ignorance, but I haven't actually tried it yet.)

The website title is kinda lame too - goodbye Microsoft? I don't know about that, but it just seems kind of uncreative. Perhaps they could have thought of something more meaningful.

Another point I have to make is that a huge number of people installing Debian are Linux purists - they don't want all the fancy features of distros like Ubuntu (which tends to oversimplify things), so in other words, most geeks won't even have Windows installed, thus the Windows install is not needed.

I know it's a great idea and all that, but I think the idea is more meaningful for Ubuntu than for Debian... that's just my opinion.