My pussy downloaded that porn

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Do cats have a taste for porn? Somehow I doubt it, and I doubt that a jury will fall for it either no matter how much one alleged downloader of the most disgusting of pornographic images tries to insist that's what actually happened in his case.

When found in possession of a computer full of pornographic images, it is human nature to deny all knowledge of how it got there. Someone could have disguised it as something else, such as when YouTube got hit by the porno pranksters on Porn Day. Some have blamed Wikipedia for linking to explicit images which have popped up when they were, err, searching for porn. However, it is fairly unusual to blame an animal for putting the images on your computer.

But that is exactly what has happened in the case of Keith Griffin from Jensen Beach in Florida, after police detectives discovered more than a thousand items of child pornography downloaded to his home computer. Griffin denies any involvement, and apparently says that his pussy is responsible.

48 year old Griffin, who has been charged with just 10 counts of possessing child pornography after detectives made the discovery on his computer, has told investigators that it was his cat, and not him, who downloaded the disgusting stash.

According to various reports, Griffin said he was downloading music files when he left the room. He returned to discover his cat had jumped on the keyboard and all sorts of strange things had appeared on his screen.

There is no word as to why he did not then delete said images, of course. Which is probably why the cops were less than convinced by his fishy tale, and why Griffin is now in the Martin County Jail being held on a $250,000 bond while investigations continue.