oneml 0 Light Poster

Hi There,

I have been loooking at a couple of tools for Active Directory to ease the work of finding and updating description text of groups in Active Directory. So I found but their AD Find and Replace tool only allows for searches within User objects. Then I found AdManager plus, sadly it will only find keywords in group descriptions and notes but not make any changes to them in a bulk or any changes at all. What I am trying to achieve here is simply to update common keywords in group descriptions and notes.

Think of this, In Microsoft Word you might have come across a tool called Find. The advanced search option will give you power to search and replace text as you wish in a bulk. I am trying to acheive the same task within Groups in Active Directory. Search for keywords in groups and update them in a bulk (like in Word). So basically I am looking for a tool like AD Find and Replace by Doverstones with the capability of searching within groups like AdManager Plus but with the capability to update the keywords.

Please let me know if you know any tool that will do the task. Thanks again!