Exclusive: new PGP encryption upgrades for enterprise users

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PGP Corporation will announce on Wednesday the availability of numerous application upgrades across its entire portfolio. I have persuaded them to let me break the embargo and bring the news to DaniWeb members a couple of days early.

With global organizations increasingly facing highly publicized data breaches, regulatory pressures, and compliance concerns that negatively affect brands, there is more need than ever to deploy integrated, corporate-wide encryption solutions. Nevertheless, many of the available approaches present problems as serious as those they aim to solve: numerous applications to manage, the resulting content silos creating costly and unnecessary burdens on IT teams being perhaps the biggest.

Unlike these point products addressing single threats or those cobbled-together product suites that lack true integration, PGP is hoping that the PGP Encryption Platform will deliver the single, leveraged infrastructure to enable enterprises to reduce IT operational costs, eliminate duplicative tasks, systems, training, and support issues that plague other approaches.

The announcement covers new versions of PGP Whole Disk Encryption, PGP Universal Server, PGP Universal Gateway Email and PGP Desktop. On top of this, there is also the new PGP NetShare application that brings team management and sharing to encrypted network files. In other words, it allows enterprises to protect valuable data that is commonly shared across multiple project teams and among employees and outside contractors and partners. PGP NetShare automatically encrypts files saved to shared network folders, ensuring that only authorized users can read or modify the content.