danibootstrap 13 Light Poster


I came across this amazing new project that "Parallela" super computer for 99$ by adapteva. Imagine that you can get a 45 Ghz computer for just 99$. This will revolutionze super computer at home for a hobbyist, the geek programmer and even massivley effect college education and research.

It is better than an Intel E-8870. In just the size of a credit card you get performance that matches the Intel E-8870. Imagine you can get high speed server computing power in your palm and that is under 3W. This would save a lot of power.

It will make matlab programs run real time. Change their performance characteristics drastically. A 512 x 512 matrix multiplcation using Matlab on a desktop computer takes over 4 seconds but this chip can do it in 212 milli seconds. This is also extremely useful for graphic applications, 3DFX editing and even for physics simulations.

For computer vision programmers this is a great resource.

So please save this project. It needs 200,000$ in under 60 hours. Support this project and change the future of computation forever.

Sincerely with Regards