The back light on my Presario x1050 laptop did not fire up when I turned on today. Prior to this there had been no display problem whatsoever, specifally no flickering, dimming or red tinge.

I have taken the machine apart and wiggled the video connector cable but this produced no effect.

When powered on I can see a very dim image which suggests the LCD is otherwise healthy. If I plug in an external monitor, it works fine during boot up but as soon as windows loads, the picture goes and the monitor turns itself off. This leads me to suppose the video card is OK but there is probably a windows issue preventing using the external monitor. ( I have pressed the function key to allow the external monitor but this does nothing. )

My Question: Do you think this is more likely to be a simple burned out backlight bulb or do you think it is the inverter board? I can get these off ebay but I am not sure which to try first.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

Thanks ..... Nick :)

I've got a similar problem on a 3 yr old Toshiba. Image is there, just dark. External monitor works. From what I've researched, it is either my backlight bulb (CFCL), the inverter, or the flat cable. My system display was flickering for a couple days, then flickered severely to complete black (without moving the display lid). Due to that mode of failure, I'm going to try the Lamp replacement first.

Good luck.

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