Hello, Since my site due to damage by malicious code came to be that Google wrote: "Google Analytics web property: link has been removed from [site snipped] November 29, 2011

Your Webmaster Tools [site snipped] site is no longer linked to a Google Analytics web property. Possible reasons are:

You are no longer the owner of the site in Google Analytics, and nobody else owns both the site and the property

Another site owner removed the link.

After that I returned to backup and then accepted by Google to announce that all is well.
I ask you, how long will I wait for my site to return to the position where I was as quick to react?

It may happen quickly but likely it will take a long, long time for your domain to regain enough credibility with the search engine to highly rank your webpages; so long, in fact, that you may be better off moving your stuff to a fresh new domain or starting over from scratch.

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