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Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, i am very new in java. can anyone help me to solve the following problem: A school conducts a 100 mark exam for its student and grades them as follows: Grade: Grade A: Marks>75 Grade B: 75>Marks>60 Grade C: 60>Marks>50 Grade D: 50>Marks>40 Write ajava program to calculate …

Member Avatar for zunam
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, i am very new in java. i am having problem in SWITCH CASE STATEMENT. can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: you have to write a program in java to generate the following menu: 1: DATE 2: MONTH 3: YEAR 4: DAY if the choice …

Member Avatar for Raja Goswami
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello everyone, can anyone please help me to solve the following problem. Write a program 1. To demonstrate division operation handling the arithmetic Exceptions. 2. To Access different elements of the given array: int [] arr1 = {10,69,30,12,11,34,56,78,35} Write exception-handling statements for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception. thank you, regards, shantuli

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi, can anyone help me to solve the following java problem write a java program for holding a stack of up to 10 characters. pls help me. thanks you shantuli

Member Avatar for usurph
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi, can anyone pls find out the problem of my code. Code: public class binarysearch { public static void main ( String[] args ) { int[] array = {2,2,10,20,55,100}; int target = 2; int left = 0; int right = array.length - 1; int mid = -1; while ( left …

Member Avatar for ChaseVoid
Member Avatar for shantuli

can anyone pls fix up the problem Regvalidate.asp page coding : <% MyFirstName = Request.Form ("login1") MyLastName = Request.Form ("login2") MyUserName = Request.Form ("login") MyEmail = Request.Form ("email") MyPassword = Request.Form ("password1") MyGerder = Request.Form ("gender") MyDateofBirth = Request.Form ("login3") MyAge = Request.Form ("login4") MyCountryofResidence = Request.Form ("countryofresidence") MyMaritalstatus = …

Member Avatar for Pymes
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello, i just start learning java.please solve my following problem: Q: Write a simple program that allows a user to push up to ten names onto a stack as well as popping them off the stack. [B]my code is:[/B] import DataStructures.*; public class StackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi, i am new in java, pls anyone help me to find out the error of my code. 1)Q- Write a java program which implements a simple sequential search algorithm for finding the position of a number in an array. My code is : [code] public class linearsearch { public …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, can anyone solve me the code for the java problem. i need a java programthat holds twenty integers in an array, loop though each cell sequentially and prints each number on the console. thank you very much. shantuli

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, pls solve me the following problem. i need a java program that stores the following string in a two-dimensional char array : "Bell" "Dell","Hell" and "Sell".extend the programe to read the array and display each caracter in a console window. thank you. shantuli

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, can anyone pls solve me the following problem. i need a java program that holds at least three records for friendsof your in memory.each record must consist of at least : a name and an e-mail address the program must also able to find each record if the …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello everyone, can anyone please help me to solv the following problem. Write a menu-based program with the following opetions : 1 Addition 2 Subtraction 3 Multiplication 4 Division 5 Exit take two numbers from the user and run the chosen operations on them. thank you, regards, shantuli

Member Avatar for shantuli
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello everyone, i am very new in java.this is why i need some help from you.i hope you will help me by solving the following problem: write a program that simulates rooling a pair of dice. you can simulate rooling one die by choosing one of the integers 1, 2, …

Member Avatar for rickste_r
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, i am very new in java.can anyone help me to do the following problem: Write a program to do the following using in-built methods in the string class of java. 1) Find the 5th caracter in the string " RUSTIN BOND" 2) Find the index of character "K" …

Member Avatar for rickste_r
Member Avatar for shantuli

hello everyone, i am very new in java.can anyone please help me to solve the following problem: Write a program that will print my initials to standard output in letters that are nine lines tall. each big letter should be made up of a bunch of *'s. for example, "DJE", …