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Member Avatar for Nightocoder201

Hello, I am working a program that starts at a direction and goes to the destination and reverse. I have reversed the list and used a if statement for the switching the directions from R (Right) and L (Left) but it doesnt want to work properly. My question is how …

Member Avatar for Solomon_1

Apostle “Kojo Safo” popularly known as “KANTANKA (KTA)” is one of the renowned entrepreneurs in Ghana. He manufactures cars, agriculture light and heavy duty machinery just to mention a few. His products have attracted many investors both local and foreign. However, sales of his manufactured cars in particular, have seen …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Solomon_1
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, i am very new in java. can anyone help me to solve the following problem: A school conducts a 100 mark exam for its student and grades them as follows: Grade: Grade A: Marks>75 Grade B: 75>Marks>60 Grade C: 60>Marks>50 Grade D: 50>Marks>40 Write ajava program to calculate …

Member Avatar for zunam
Member Avatar for Hannesvz

Hi, I want to copy the data in the PayJour table to the ARCPayJour Table using the Clients Table where the StatusCo = 108. The problem is that the Clients table stop at the first 108 it gets and then do the copy prossecc, but do not go through the …

Programming first-post
Member Avatar for Hannesvz
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Hi all I have a datagridview with 2 columns. fist column is Datagridview combobox the second is a datagridtextbox. I'm trying to fill the second column based on the combobox selection . The Method that captures the selected item does not track which row is being edited. I have tried …

Member Avatar for Stefce

I want to make this table with HTML and CSS but somehow the image cant appear in the browser... Can you help me? https://prnt.sc/rmo2xl .box-border { display: inline-block; border: 1px solid; height: 80px; width: 100%; } .image-position { display: inline-block; } <div class="box-border"> <div class="image-position"> <img src="igniteLogoImage.png" alt="asdasd" width="42" height="42"> …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for imagetvr

Hello I wish to call crystal report in my VB6 Application. For showing data report i used following code ; Example Date report name : datareport1 Code for showing report Load datareport1 Datreport1.show I have crystal report named "studentregister". please explain me how can show the crystal report in my …

Member Avatar for Nilesh_11
Member Avatar for Ryan_42

Can I relocate to a new url after click the ok button using sweet alert? this is my javascript file, where should I place here the code if its possible thank you $(document).ready(function() { $('#formA').on('submit', function(e) { //Don't foget to change the id form $.ajax({ url: 'includes/Aenduser.inc.php', //===PHP file name==== …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for YpowT

Hi all, I am building a GUI application using Python and Tkinter to mimic a Pay-At-Pump system. Currently, I am at stage where I have coded and defined the relevant frames and widgets that help to traverse through those frames, these are organised into classes. However, I am trying to …

Member Avatar for YpowT
Member Avatar for killhha

ok i dont really know how to explain this but... c:=readkey; case (c) of #13:Halt; #27:goto menu else goto quit; as you can see above if you press Esc(which is 13) the program quits and if you press Enter(which is 27) it gos to the menu. I want to know …

Member Avatar for RandomGuy2606
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi, I have form1, and second form2 When I call second form2, form1 is disabled for any interaction. customer.Show() Me.Enabled = False Close button on form2 code is Private Sub Closebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Closebutton.Click Me.Close() Form1.BringToFront() Form1.Enabled = True End Sub As you can see, I …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for reidhosatria

Hello everone my name is reidho i have a problem with my code, i want to mirroring a api output from somesite using file_get_contents but the results is not like the original. Original Result : ![original.png](/attachments/large/4/14437b652ccca077d00e29e8793eb1d4.png) My Mirroring Result : ![result.png](/attachments/large/4/c348c82de5722906792fb5ec8f7e1a52.png) The Code : $ping = "https://api.hackertarget.com/nping/?q="; $pingkeluar = file($ping); …

Programming php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for chris_58

I have 2 form there are form 1 and form 2 my program current situation is when user click delete it will pop up a login form. When user click cancel button from login form the data on the database will be delete ![login_form.PNG](/attachments/large/4/44621e202c33a0c03d1931bb384694fa.PNG) when user click cancel it will …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Alyana Diao

to make our project finish, i need to get the data from the user who just log in(only his/her data) but i dont have any idea how, can someone help me...thank you very much! well appreaciated :) so this is the part where i need to add something so i …

Member Avatar for Alyana Diao
Member Avatar for user287961

Hi,i have this code that i need to turn in for my homework. I based it off some things i saw on the internet. The point of the homework is that i need to have 2 or more structures and use some functions. It would mean a lot if someone …

Programming c++ python visual-basic-6
Member Avatar for nullptr
Member Avatar for Knwbility

Hi there, I have multiple check bok in the html webpage. I want to get the selected check box value usin Javascript and email that value in email body content using a href mailto. Kindly please HELP me in this. Thank you.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Xozz

I just wrote a simple C++ program. But now I want to share it with a friend and GMail doesn't allow me to use it and putting it on a web domain doens't work either. How do you share a simple program (compiled)?

Member Avatar for Yrth
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

Is there any way to backup/dump/export all the databases in one step and vice-versa (import all databases into MySQL) in MySQL ? If yes, then how I can do this..?

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for GrimDemeanor

these are the goals of the assignment i am trying to complete, i am running into a problem where i need to create a function get the product the customer selected and reutrn that information in a cout that also inculdes information from another function, i got the first part …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Passy

<?php if(!empty($_POST[`submit`])){ if(empty($_POST[`user_name`])|| empty($_POST[`phone_number`])|| empty($_POST[`email`])|| empty($_POST[`password`])|| empty($_POST[`confirm_password`])) { exit("please fill in all the fields. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>") } if($_POST[`password`]!==$_POST[`confirm_password`]) { exit("passwords must match. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } $pattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/"; if(!pregmatch($pattern,$POST[`email`])) { exit("please enter a valid email address. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } /* $pwd = $_POST['password ']; …

Programming php
Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for aweshq.it

<li><a href="#">Pre Schools</a> <li><a href="#" style="cursor: yes;">Schools</a> ** <li><a href="#">Contacts</a> <li><a href="#">Results</a> <li><a href="#">School Performance</a> <li><a href="#">Ranking</a> ** (These Items are required in Horizontal Sub Menu of School. How to do this?) <li><a href="#">Colleges</a>

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dilshan_2

#include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); int tries = 0; int iNum; int UpperLim = 100; int LowerLim = 10; int iCompNum; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> iNum; do { iCompNum = rand() % (UpperLim - LowerLim) + LowerLim; cout …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Chinney

Hello everyone, hope you're having a great day :D I have a project idea in mind but unsure how to go about solving it / unsure if i can solve it. I want to be able to classify messages to categories, where not all categories are known. I want the …

Member Avatar for bioplanet

I have the following two tables: TABLE 1: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | patient_id | bigint(20) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | patient_wpid | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | age_at_visit | …

Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm creating a webpage where the user will be able to download an .iso file. The version of the iso will change. For example: xxxx.1.iso will become xxxx.2.iso when the iso is updated. How do I code the download button so that I don't need to re-code the button when …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jon_7

I'm creating this page (http://www.50allstars.com/2018/05/test-menu.html) and would like to be able to directly link to a particular tab if need be. I've found a site (https://css-tricks.com/better-linkable-tabs/) that says a way for this to be done, but I'm not sure how to implement it or if there's a more simple & …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for adisharma

Hello Everyone, I want to learn python to become a game developer and I looking to learn python course online but I am confused about which course is good for a fresher point. I have worked on the python module also so I have basic knowledge about it. If anyone …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Rohan_15
Member Avatar for ppel123

Hi, I am trying to create an app with 2 python files, the first reads the user input (either from python shell or directly from the keyboard via modules like pynput-keyboard) and stores it in a variable (after enter pressed). The second creates the gui that has 2 labels and …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear All, Good Morning! I am facing this issue i tried a lot but not able to find the issue with this function when i call this function i get error Argument not specified for parameter 'LVL' of 'Public Function UL(LVL As String) As String' The code is listed below, …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for Akshay Sinha

Mobile devices now offer a smooth and efficient method to reach customers. Attract new consumers and retain existing customers. Indeed, a mobile application is better than a website. To do this, you can create an application yourself if you have the right knowledge of the process. Or you can choose …


The End.