newnetzerouser 0 Newbie Poster

I need help on fetching data before inserting. My issue is as follow:

My table fields are:

serial_start_no - varchar(25) - unique key
serial_end_no - varchar(25) - unique key

Using JSP user will be allotted the starting number and ending number (i.e. 1. Start number – S001 and End number – S050. 2. Start number – S051 and End number – S100 and so on….).

Allotment is done by Admin

1. When the admin enters the Starting number as S002 and Ending number as S049 I need to check whether this number is between any of the pervious allotted numbers. OR
2. When the admin enters the Starting number as S000 and Ending number as S200 I need to check any number allotted before is between this two numbers.
3. So that Duplicate values can be avoid.

Kindly Help me!!!


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