jhonnyboy 1 Junior Poster in Training

Hello everyone I currently have a form w/ two text boxes so that the user may enter the dates they wish to display in the report.

The report consists of multiple clients per page and the date that they purchased an order.

What I have under the button sub procedure is the following:

Dim rptName as String
Dim Criteria as String

rptName = "Billing"
Criteria = "[DATE_JOB] BETWEEN "& Me.tbStartingDate & "AND" & Me.tbEndingDate

Do.Cmd OpenReport rptName, acViewPreview, , Criteria

Error comes from bold line when the user clicks the button. Runtime 30025 SQL Error. I'm guessing this is SQL code and not access? This table is not linked with any SQL Db. Can anyone help me out with this and get a better understanding or translate the above code to Vb Access? Thanks!

Quick Notes:
DATE_JOB: reffers to date text field in report
tbStaringDate: text box in the current form
tbEndingDate: text box in the current form

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