The_Purple_Mask 0 Newbie Poster

After the program passes the following code lines

    // passing arguments separately, for performance
    GL.TexCoord2(0, 0); GL.Vertex2(left, top);
    GL.TexCoord2(0, maxV); GL.Vertex2(left, bottom);
    GL.TexCoord2(maxU, maxV); GL.Vertex2(right, bottom);
    GL.TexCoord2(maxU, 0); GL.Vertex2(right, top);

the alpha values of all the verteces in the program become less than 1(everything becomes transperant). I tried to disable blending to see what will happen and the effect was that every color became closer to tha background color. For example if the background color was black every color would go darker.
Is this expected behaviour or I've done something wrong? Any ideas how can I fix it?

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