ShawnCplus 456 Code Monkey Team Colleague

OK I've got to the stage of development where I'm balancing out formulas and I was looking for a bit of input. Here are some formulas I've made (typeset with OO.o Formula).
(See the attached thumbnail)

Just a reminder, << and >> are bitshifts, NOT strictly greater/less than, continue :).

The first determines how much experience a player needs to level. Here is some example data:

PLEVEL = Player Level
LEVEL  = Target Level (plevel + 1)
TNL = 5*(LEVEL<<10)

Therefor, at level 5 a player needs 30,720 experience to level.

Example data for Experience Gain:
TLEVEL = Target's Level
THEALTH = Target's MAX health

PercDamage = (damage/THEALTH)*100                 
EXPGAIN    = (PercDamage * 128)*(PLEVEL/TLEVEL)      
           PLEVEL     =     5                        
           TLEVEL     =     7                        
           Damage     =    20                        
           THEALTH    =   100                        
           Percdamage =    20                        
           EXPGAIN    =  1828                        
           Player TNL = 30720                        
           %TNL/hit   =     5.9

The last formula takes a bit more explaining.
When a player uses a skill it requires stamina. What this formula does is add a "penalty" stamina cost to the skill based on how much weight they are carrying(encumbrance). Refer to the attached image for the formula, here is the example data.

Strength - Player's strength stat
Drain - stamina cost for skill
Encumbrance - pounds carried by player

Drain = ((Encumbrance * .01) / (Strength / 2))   
           Cost        = 100
           Strength    =   8
           Encumbrance =  40                          
           Drain       =  10
           Total Cost  = 110