Prime Number Generator

GreenDay2001 0 Tallied Votes 139 Views Share

Generates all primes till n terms. Not a wonder scripts which will generate till billions, but works pretty fine till few millions.

// vishesh yadav
// prime number generator

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>

int checkprime(unsigned int max, std::vector<unsigned int> &prms);

int main()
	unsigned int MAX;

	std::cout << "ENTER RANGE FROM 0 TO: ";
	std::cin  >> MAX;

	clock_t start, finish;

	std::vector<unsigned int> primes; start = clock();
	checkprime(MAX, primes);  finish = clock();

	std::cout << "\nWTITING TO FILE \'primes.txt\'";

	std::ofstream file("primes.txt");

	file << "TIME TAKEN: " << (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	file << "\nPRIMES BETWEEN 0 TO " << MAX
		<< "\nTOTAL PRIMES GENERATED: " << primes.size() << "\n\n";

	for(std::vector<unsigned int>::size_type i=0; i<primes.size(); i++) {
		file << "\n" << primes[i];


int checkprime(unsigned int max, std::vector<unsigned int> &prms)
	std::vector<unsigned int>::size_type sze;

	for(unsigned int i=3; i<max; i+=2) {
		unsigned int x = (unsigned int)(std::sqrt(float(i)));
		sze = prms.size();
		for(std::vector<unsigned int>::size_type j=0; j<sze; j++) {
			if(x < prms[j]) {
			else if(i%prms[j] == 0) {
	return 0;