Compile time factorial

mrnutty 2 Tallied Votes 405 Views Share

This is a simple demonstration of meta programming. It shows the idea
of meta programming. It basically calculates the factorial of a number
before runtime. When I first saw the concept of meta programming,
it blew my mind so badly. I was so surprised that one could do this.
Its soooo kewl, don't you think?

avarionist commented: I'm still working out how exactly it works but man speed glorious speed +1
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

template<int val>
struct staticFactorial{ 
	enum {result = val*staticFactorial<val-1>::result}; 
//template specilization
template<> struct staticFactorial<0>{ 
	enum {result = 1};

int main(){
	int A[] = {         staticFactorial<0>::result,

	for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]); ++i){
		cout << A[i] << "\n";

avarionist 1 Junior Poster in Training

This is a simple demonstration of meta programming. It shows the idea
of meta programming. It basically calculates the factorial of a number
before runtime. When I first saw the concept of meta programming,
it blew my mind so badly. I was so surprised that one could do this.
Its soooo kewl, don't you think?

that was wicked fast nice bit :P

griswolf 304 Veteran Poster

Boost has a lot of nice meta programming code. I first saw this (or was it a Fibonacci?) quite a long time ago (probably about 15 years?).

You do have to be wary that too much of this kind of thing can make the compiler run a long time, use up space to store the precalculated values, and obfuscate your code, among other downsides.

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